Chapter 18

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*Sam's pov*

"Hey Sam." El says hugging me happily I smile hugging back.

"Hey there's something I want to talk to you about." I say her nodding yanking me inside and sitting us on her living room couch.

"Okay what do you want to talk about?" she asks I sigh.

"I might be moving to L.A. soon and I do a lot of tour's I won't see you very often because of it so I think it would be better off if we were friend's." I say she frowns.

"What about if I see if my parents let me move to L.A. with you guy's we all get along fine and I'm okay with all your touring Sam I mean come on you can't date a youtuber and viner and expect them to not go on tour's." She says I nod.

"I guess that could work if your parent's say yes." I say she smiles kissing me.

"That's amazing." She says I laugh.

"Oh by the way Mira can't hangout for awhile she got her tonsils out." I say.

"Okay that's probably why she hasn't been texting me a lot." She says I nod.

"Okay since were still together until we get your parent's answers I want to take you on a date." I say standing up holding my hand out to her.

"That sounds fun." She says taking my hand.

*A couple hour's later*

"Okay seriously Sam this has been the best night ever." Emmalee says laughing as I put my arm over her shoulder.

"I'm glad it was and also glad you got a teddy bear to remember it by." I say kissing her forehead.

We went to a movie, than walked around a lot, went to a candy store, and also went to a arcade where I won her a teddy bear.

"So I'll talk to my parent's in the morning about L.A." She says as we walk to her front door I nod as we kiss goodbye and she goes inside.

"I didn't break up with her!" I yell before Colby and Mira can ask laughing as they jump.

"Okay." they say.

"You guy's okay if she would move to L.A. with us?" I ask having them nod I do also "because she's going to talk to her parent's about it in the morning and she said she's okay and understands I'll be doing touring and stuff." I say they nod again.

"So how does your throat feel?" I ask Mira she smiles.

"It doesn't hurt that much anymore." She says.

"Look at all the sleep you've been doing your sleeping the pain off." Colby says she hits his arm.

"Your sleeping the same amount never want to leave my side because you think I'm in pain." She says kissing his cheek.

"Your my girl it's my job to stay by your side through everything." He says kissing her head I smile at them.

"Careful there Colby I said you could date her not marry her." I say playfully in a stern tone.

"But were already are married we got married at 10." He says playfully all of us laughing.

"That's the reason everyone knew you two would end up together sooner or later." I say they nod.

"Yeah we kissed in front of everybody when we were 8 in the backyard than dated for 2 year's than got married at 10." She says I nod.

"Mom loved that between you two you guy's were each other's first everything." I say smiling at least my sister only had to go through one heartbreak this love between her and Colby will last a lifetime.

Author's note; so I'm updating every two day's now so be repaired sorry this is so short it be longer on the next update.

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