Four- learning control

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Four- learning control

Ichigo slowly began to awake when he felt someone moaning, thrashing, and whimpering right next to him. Ichigo could feel fear coming from this person. Ichigo recognized it almost instantly as it was coming from his hollow zanpakuto. Ichigo gently ran his hand through Shiro's white locks as he rubbed his hollow zanpakuto' back.
"It is alright Shiro. You are safe as no one is going to hurt you." Ichigo stated softly as he pulled his hollow zanpakuto into his lap after he sat up on the cot. Shiro's black and gold eyes fluttered open as he stared at Ichigo. He could feel a strong connection to the orange haired teen. After a couple of minutes Shiro pulled away from Ichigo as a light purple blush crossed his face.
"Sorry...." Shiro stated softly. Ichigo hated to admit this but he thought seeing this side to his zanpakuto was kind of attractive. It was strange to see this version of his zanpakuto as he wanted Shiro to suddenly attack him, laughing, and calling his king a fool. "So who are you and how do I know you?" Shiro asked. Ichigo let out a long deep sigh as he studied his hollow zanpakuto. Shiro tilted his head to one side as it looked like he was trying to piece things together.
"My name is Ichigo Kurosaki. We have known each other for a very long time as you used to be a part of me." Ichigo explained. Shiro tilted his head as he still looked confused. This caused Ichigo to sigh out loud as he didn't know how to explain it to his hollow zanpakuto without sounding like an idiot. A part of him mentally chuckled with the thought of Rukia and her crappy drawings. Suddenly laughter filled the room causing Shiro to jump hiding behind Ichigo. Ichigo turned his head to see Kisuke with the fan in front of his face.
"Well this is most definitely an interesting sight to see." stated Kisuke.
"Damn hat and clogs. Are you trying to give him a heart attack?" Ichigo snarled causing a bit of his power to lash out at Kisuke. Seeing the spark of Ichigo's powers flash out caused Kisuke to raise his eyebrows.
"They weren't kidding when they filled me into what happened. Can you restrain it?" Kisuke asked seriously as he closed the fan that he was holding. Ichigo took long deep breaths trying to restrain the power that was angrily lashing out. It seemed not to affect his hollow zanpakuto. After a while Ichigo managed to restrain the power.
"You already know how terrible I am with this kind of stuff. It got even harder after what Mayuri did to us." Ichigo snarled.
"Yes.... Unohana filled me in to what happened. I was about to head to his lab to see if I can find the chemical that did this to you. Don't worry as we will fix what happened. But in worst case scenario, I called in for some help to help train you to control your powers." Ichigo couldn't help to wonder who Kisuke recruited to help him with his training.

"Ichi?" Shiro questioned confused about what is going on. Kisuke rose his brows even more when he saw Ichigo's hollow zanpakuto behind the young teen.
"It's alright Shiro as this is a friend. He is hopefully going to help us." Ichigo stated. Shiro came out from hiding behind Ichigo as he looked at Kisuke.
"Shiro?" questioned Kisuke.
"It's short for Shirosaki. His full name is Shirosaki Ogichi." answered Ichigo.
"But isn't he your....?"
"Yes he is but because of what Mayuri did to us, he doesn't remember who and/or what he is." Ichigo stated bluntly. Kisuke nodded his head as he seemed to understand what Ichigo was thinking. Ichigo got off the cot followed by Shiro. "Let's get going. On the way you can possibly explain things better than I can." Ichigo stated as he walked up to Kisuke. Shiro followed timidly behind Ichigo as the three of them stepped out of Squad Four's barracks. Yorichi and Unohana where there along with Squad Two's captain Soi Fon. Shiro avoided eye contact with Soi Fon as it seemed that way the woman was ready to attack him. He couldn't understand what he did to her that made her this hostile towards him. 

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