2. Hottie Paradise

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Jasper ^^^^

"Hey Romeo? I know you want to run away with me but my wrist is about to fall off." I've been making romance jokes for the past 5 minutes and I think he's about to blow. Jasper sighs and loosens his grip until his hand slides into mine.

My ears burn. Errr....

The albino was poker faced as he dragged me to my doom.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." He mutters and that sets me off

"Well excuse me Tall, Pale, and Brooding but I'll have you know there were many guys at my old school who will kill to be in your position!" I shout defiantly. Actually there were guys at my old school who will kill to be OUT of his position.

He was silent the entire time I ranted at him until he comes to a stop.

"We're here." He says

"And your attitude! I am a delicate lady- What?" I pause in my scolding, standing on my tip toes to see beyond his shoulder. I mean I'm relatively tall at 5'8 but this guy is like 6'something.

From what I could see, we were standing right before a great oak tree. It looked like it was the biggest in the courtyard, shading a red wood picnic table. The table was occupied by a handful of boys.

The closest was the smallest of them at 5'11 and laughing like he just heard the funniest Jim Gaffigan joke ever. (A/N: Seriously people. Listen/Watch Jim Gaffigan. Become a part of Gaffganistan. I recommend Bacon, Hot Pockets (It's a must see), or McDonalds.) He had sparkling blue eyes and light brown hair that looked like he didn't even bother to brush it when he rolled out of bed. But it fitted him.

The guy sitting next to him was smiling slightly, eyes shining in amusement at the blue eyed boy as snorts were starting to appear in his laughter. He had blonde hair and green eyes the color of leaves in spring with the height of 6'1.

Across from him sat a male sleeping, head ducked into his arms. I couldn't see his eyes but he had black hair that was as dark as night. His wide shoulders rose and fell with each breath he took in. I couldn't see his full body but I'm guessing he's 6'3.

Leaning against the picnic table was a tall, the tallest and muscliest of the bunch at 6'5, male. Annoyance was clear in his dark green eyes as he tried to get the sleeping guy's attention, prodding the boy's shoulder. His strong jawline was clenched, irritation evident. He was a healthy, natural tan. He had long dark hair that looked like it would brush the tops of his shoulders if it was down but it was pulled into a small, low ponytail.

The last of them was leaning against the trunk of the tree, keeping a watchful eye on the group. His height being 6'3. He had dark brown hair with a pair of golden eyes, concealed by black framed glasses. I've never seen that color on a human being before. His eyes flicker over to where Jasper and I stood. I take a step back at the intensity, slightly hiding behind the albino. All noise ceases from the picnic table, even the Dark Knight's breathing has stopped, all eyes on us. Talk about tension.

"Where have you been?" The interesting eye color guy questions, power evident in his voice. I'm guessing this is the leader of the Hottie Paradise Pack.

"Dealing with my new bus partner." He answers, all eyes turning to me. Dude! What the heck?! You can't just pass the blame to me! Payback initiating.

"Hey Casanova, can I have my hand back?" I ask smoothly and he drops my hands as if he was burned. I shake out my hand, trying to get feeling back into it. I didn't realize he was holding it so tightly. The blue eyed beauty snickers. Jasper sends him a glare that could destroy rainbows.

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