The End

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------(Nick's pov)-----
"Maddie! Maddie!" I screamed.
I inched towards her, not wanting to cause her to do anything she would regret. I knew she was hurting. I wanted to help.
"Maddie!" I walked up to her staying next to her, "Maddie! Look at me!"
I gently pulled her face so that she was looking at me. Tears stained her cheeks. I had to do something. Anything to try and change her mind. So I did the one thing I could think of. I kissed her gently. When I pulled back she seemed shocked, but still distraught.
"Please just come back with me," I said, "I'll help you get through this. We will get through this together," I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her again. She pulled back, and took a step back. That was the last time I saw her alive.
Here I am 10 years later. Sitting at a highschool reunion. A reunion that just didn't feel right. A reunion that was missing a key part. Maddie. I was in an assembly, there were some of the more successful few of us talking about there experiences here and how they influenced there current lives. It got me thinking about my life and how much I wish she was here with me. I was never able to move on. Never found anyone else I wanted. Everytime I thought like that of someone, I just remembered Maddie. Lilly and Andy broke up years ago. Andy found a new rich girl to mooch off of and Lilly never worked a day in her life. Close to the end of the assembly the principal came on.
"In honor of this class, I would like to play a video for you from the parents of Maddie. And I'd like to read a message from her parents before hand the principal cleared his voice before reading the message, "here it is, 'We made this video in honor of our beloved daughter, Maddie. She was the kindest and sweetest kid we knew. It's such a shame she had to go early. We would like if her story could live on. Use her story as motivation to keep yourselves above water. Don't let her to have died in vain. Stop bullying, teach your kids or future kids to not be a bully. Tell them how to avoid being bullied. Tell them how to help someone who is being bullied. Tell them the story of a girl named Maddie. A girl who didn't know these facts. A girl who will be loved forever by her friends and family,' now I will start the video,"
The principal walked off the stage. I was on the verge of sobbing. Through the tears, I managed to see the video. It was a slide show of Maddie throughout the years. Starting from when she was a baby. Going to when she was a toddler at her 5th birthday party, to the first time we hung out. It kept going until it got to the last happy picture I took of her. Then it showed pictures of her funeral, of her in the casket, of people crying for her. I wanted her to get up. I wanted her to just sit up and say this was all just a prank. I wanted her to be alive. I was sobbing at this point. When the video ended everyone left. I stayed put. Sitting in my seat looking up at the blank screen in the dim light.
"Hey mind if I sit down," a familiar voice asked.
I didn't even register it. I was staring at the blank screen as if Maddie would show up on it and tell me she's alive.
"You know I never meant for her to do this. I...I was just a stupid teenage girl obsessed with the one thing any teenage girl wants. Boys. It was childish and I know it might not count for much now but I'm so sincerely sorry," the voice said. I looked over and saw a very apoligetic looking Lilly. I just stared blankly at her without saying anything. After a while, I needed to get out of there. I got up a dashed out the door heading over to my car. I got it and looked at my company card sitting on my dashboard. It was a suicide prevention company. I named it T.M.P.. which stood for The Maddie Project. We did things like go to schools and talk to them about what bullying could do. We talked to them about helping a friend who might be suicidal. We also had a suicide hotline for people who didn't have anyone else to talk to. I kept the company open in Maddie's honor. I will never forget that amazing girl.

(Authors note: I wrote this story for a reason. To tell you all that you are not alone. Please, if you are feeling suicidal, or you know someone who is suicidal, get help. There are plenty of suicide hot lines for you to talk to. If you want, you can even message me and I'll talk to you. But please, don't end your life early, you have so much more to live for. You just have to get past the bad parts of life to reach the good. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.)

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