✿ Chapter 24✿

Start from the beginning

He still has the same smile that used to make girls go weak in the knees back in high school. He grew about six inches high and his green eyes were lighter than I remembered. His hair was now a darker shade of brown compared to its lighter color. He looked more muscular now than before.

How does he know my name? He never once paid attention to me, only to my girl best friend. So, why now? What's the catch?

Girl, have you forgotten the part that you are a super hot and famous model now? My consciousness bit back at me as I blinked my eyes a couple of times and tried to smile at my former crush.

"Wow," He breathed out as he stared down at me, the smile not leaving his lips. "You still remember me."

"How could I forget you?" I admitted truthfully as I played with the hem of my knit cardigan, "You're Rylan Browning, the most popular boy in our high school."

"But look at you now," His light eyes raked my body up and down, "Wow."

"Thanks," I awkwardly smiled at him as he gazed at me with disbelief and dreamy look on his eyes at the same time, "I need to go. It was nice seeing you again, Rylan."

"What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?" He questioned, snapping out of his own trance as he blinked his eyes a couple of times.

"I'm here to-" I started but he cut me off when realization dawned on his handsome face.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," He chuckled to himself, "You're dating one of the members of One Direction, right?"

No actually, I'm married to one of them, I was about to say, but I just nodded my head, "Yeah. How about you? What are you doing here?"

"I actually wanted to see you," He spoke truthfully, scratching the back of his neck as he tried to meet my gaze, the color of pink tinting his pale cheeks, "I know I sound like a stalker but yeah. I watched you the other day in the runway and I really want to talk to you personally but didn't get the chance to because you left the event early."

Did Rylan just tell me he's stalking me? Never in my life had I imagined that the most popular jock on my school will stalk me, let alone notice me. I always thought that he was too good for me. But so is Harry. It was like he was ignoring me before but now; he's following me like a lost puppy. Oh, how fast the tables have turned.

"Really?" I sounded really surprised, because deep inside, I am, "Oh, that's good to hear."

"Can we take a selfie or something?" He asked me, almost reluctant as he fished out his phone from the pocket of his jeans.

"Sure, yeah." I bobbed my head up and down as he raised his phone in the air and smile that smile that made me go head over heels for him back in high school. A smile made its way to my lips as I realized that I was no longer ignored, average looking and people now seem to appreciate my beauty.

"Thank you, Sherridy," Rylan told me as he took the final shot, a wacky picture of us. We both had our tongues out and got to admit, we looked really cute together. But I don't think about it too much anymore. I only see him now as a friend I haven't seen in a long time even though back then, we weren't really friends. We were strangers. I know him, but he doesn't know me. I am already married and more than contented with my husband, Harry.

Rylan smiled down at the picture of us on his phone as I replied, "No problem."

Before I can say something else, he engulfed me in an embrace, his muscular arms wrapping around my waist carefully. I didn't expect the action so I was shocked and was taken aback. When I finally composed myself, I reluctantly wrapped my arms around his torso, returning the hug.

It really felt good to be liked back, even though the feelings I had for him was now gone. It boosts your self confidence, something that I lack, even until now that I am a famous model and all that.

I never felt so happy in my entire life. Back then, I was contented with fangirling over One Direction and watching TV shows all night. I never have to worry about boys liking me and asking me out, like other girls in high school. All the opposite gender did was walk past me and pretend that I didn't exist. But now, everything was the complete opposite. Guys now, apparently, crave my attention or whatever that thing Harry told me. Everything really changes when you're hot, beautiful and famous.

But, nothing lasts forever. All good things must come to an end. Even my fairytale life....

Let's just hope that it won't turn into a tragic romance...




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Love y'all!!

Bela :)))



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