✿ Chapter 20✿

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 Dedicated to @FoodJunkie_ because her comment on the last chap made me laugh! haha! Go follow her!

Comment below for a dedication!


✿ Chapter 20✿

❝That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating.

And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.❞

-Paramore, That's What You Get

I'm what?!

No way in freaking hell. I am sixteen for Gosh sake, stuck in the body of a twenty one year old beautiful and sexy model. It felt like I was in the television show 16 & Pregnant as I absorbed Dr. Hillard's words and tried to register it into my foggy brain. I'm pregnant? No effin' way. I didn't even remember getting it on with someone-

Who am I kidding? I am married and I am now a grown woman with a stable job as a supermodel. Surely I am not a virgin anymore? At least I'm married already or if my Mom is here right now, I think she will strangle me to death before being so careless and giving up my virginity to a random guy. She always reminds me that all girls should believe in doing "it" only after marriage, so there will be no accidents and harsh consequences. She told me that she regretted losing her virginity at fifteen, with my Dad. Because of that one night, she became pregnant with me and her parents forced Dad to marry her once they both graduated high school. Mom didn't admit it to me, but I know that she is blaming herself for her failed relationship with Dad. But I didn't blame her. She didn't ask to marry a man like my Dad.

"I'm pregnant?" I asked, bewilderment clear in my unblinking eyes as I looked up at the middle aged woman in front of me, "There must be some sort of mistake."

"I'm afraid there are no mistakes, Mrs. Styles," Dr. Hillard spoke firmly as she brought the clipboard down, a warm smile on her beautiful face as she looked between me and Harry, "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Styles. Now, if you'll excuse me."

She gave us one final nod before she turned around and walked away, her olive green eyes scanning the clipboard in her hands once again before she exited the room, closing the door behind her. I swallowed the lump lodged in my throat as Harry tensed beside me. I slowly looked up at him, scared of how he will react. His handsome face was pale, as if all the blood was drained from it. His emerald eyes were slightly wide, yet there are no emotions swirling in them or whatsoever.

There are so many what-ifs messing with my head. What if he doesn't want the baby? What if he isn't ready to be a father yet? What if his career is more important this child growing inside me-

My thoughts were interrupted when my husband suddenly wrapped his muscular arms around me and engulfed into a tight embrace, cautious enough not to squeeze me and my stomach. Harry was obviously happy as he nuzzled his head on my neck, his hands rubbing my back soothingly. Thank the heavens, I relaxed as I wrapped my arms around his torso, not knowing how to react.

"I'm going to be a father!" He exclaimed happily, a grin plastered on his thin heart shaped lips as we pulled away from the hug, his green eyes lighting up, "I can't believe it! We are having a baby!"

My stomach lurched as I met his happy, shining emerald green eyes. What if this baby isn't his? After all, I did cheat on Harry with both Sean and Louis right? What the fudge is wrong with me for doing that? Had I completely lost my mind after all those years being rejected and ignored by the opposite gender? Why will I juggle three boys at once? It's like karma comes back around to hit me with its full force. Now, I'm carrying a baby inside me and I don't even know who the real father is. I'm not even ready to be a mother yet. Hell-er, I'm sixteen years old! I don't even know how to take care of my younger brother, Shane. How the hell will I manage to take care of my own child?

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