Punishment: Chapter 4: The Guy in My Dream Freaks Everyone Out

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Yo Wattpad people. I'm bored so I'll upload. Sorry it's been such a long time! -.-


CHAPTER 4: The Guy in My Dream Freaks Everyone Out

My dream world was completely white, lacking any color. Strange, the usually had rainbows in them. Mist started to fill the world. I couldn't see anything but the black figure of a cat behind the mist.

"Roku?" I asked the cat.

"No." The cat's form shifted behind the mist, turning to... a human? "I am not Roku, your cat. But close." He walked up to me and the mist around us cleared a little so I could see both me and cat dude. His hair was pale blue and kindof spiked up and his eyes were darker blue with bluish green half ovals under them. His grin was so wide that he was starting to remind me of the Chestshire Cat. And he was tall. I mean REALLY tall. A little taller than Ichigo. I barely noticed a blue collar around his neck. He had this weird feel around him so I started to sing the first song that came to me. Still Doll.

"Hi Miss Alice, anata garra suno."

"What are you doing?" he asked tensing up as if the song disturbed him. (It is pretty disturbing though. ;) ) I ignored him.

"Mata atashi kokoro gasakete." I sang it as close to the original singer as I could. Makinging it even creepier. "Na-"

He clapped his hand over my mouth. "If I take my hand away, will you please sing the last line?" He asked quietly. I nodded. He took his hand away.

I looked at him with sympathy. He looked sad. "Still, you do not answer." I sang. It was silent for a moment. "Why do you dislike that song?

He looked up at me. "It brings back painful memories." Then the episode passed. "So, Yukiko." I tenced. How did he know my name?!? Well, I guess it's just a dream. "Do you have any idea of who I am?" he asked.

"Nope." I popped the 'p'. His old grin returned and I relaxed a little. Then it faded. Now I heard footsteps.

"Someone's coming." He grabbed my arm. It burned where he touched and I blushed. He half guided, half dragged me to a door. He grabbed my shoulders and faced me. "Tell your friends that their friend Grimmjow is back." He gave me one last smirk, opened the door, wrapped his arms around me, and we jumped into the black emptyness behind the door.


My eyes snapped open. I found my self face to face with Roku. His nose and mine where touching. Just like mine and Grimmjow's. But I probably had that dream because Roku was doing that.

I sat up and turned my stereo on to the song stuck in my head. Still Doll.

"Hi Miss Alice," Roku hissed and looked at me. A familiar look. Both threatening and pleading. I turned it on to Dragostea Din Tei. He sort of nodded and lay back down. I brought out my school uniform. Roku turned his head away. I laughed. I changed my clothes and left my hair down today, tying a blue ribbon around my neck without knowing exactly why I did. The song started over. I jumped up and down as I sang/screamed to my favorite part.

"Vrei sa pleci dar numa, numa iei, Numa, numa iei, numa, numa, numa iei! Chipul tau si dragostea din tei, Mi-amintesc de ochii tai! Vrei sa pleci dar numa, numa iei, Numa, numa iei, numa, numa, numa iei, Chipul tau si dragostea din tei, Mi-amintesc de ochii tai!" When Yaoke didn't answer by bursting in and telling me to turn it off or shut up, I looked at my clock. She should be up. I walked to her room. Mom was in their by her bed and a shivering lump under the covers was Yaoke. For once, my sister was sick.

"Go ahead to school Kiki." My mother called me by my nickname. "Yaoke's got the flu."

"Ok. Bye." I said. I grabbed my bag and the toast stuck in the toaster and walked to the door where Roku was waiting. To my suprise, the 6 on his side was faded a little. I shrugged. Maybe it was just paint. I got an idea. "You want to come to school with me?" I asked him. He looked at me eagerly. I opened my bag. "Don't worry, I won't crush you." He cautiously peered in the bag before jumping in. I shut it most of the way and as carefully as I could, put it back over my shoulder.


At Lunch

"Ok so guys." I started. They looked at me. "I found.... a cat!!!!" I held up Roku from the bag. He seemed to be smiling. Ichigo and Rukia exchanged glances and nodded.

"Are you sure it's the best idea to keep him? He might belong to someone else." It was easy to see that Ruki was having a difficult time staying calm. (Rukia's face - ^~^)

"She's right." Ichi said.

"Oh yeah I had a wierd dream last night. I met a guy and he said to tell you that your friend is back. Oh, what was his name? Uhmmm Grimmjow! Yeah that's what it was!"

Everyone inhaled sharply. "What did he look l-like?" Rukia asked shakily.

"Well, he had blue eyes, spikey blue hair, and he was REALLY TALL." I reached up as if it would help describe him. "And he had blue half ovals under his eyes. Like this." I drew the ovals under my eyes with my fingers.

"He's back." Ichi whispered. Everyone nodded gravely.


So... you like? Please tells me! =^.^=

Next time! : I don't know yet!

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