Another night

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" Don't cry maka " kid said sitting next to her " ah kid when did you come in here? I thought you left home? " maka said she quickly turned away from him to wipe her eyes " no I couldn't leave I wasn't sure what soul would of done to you so I decided to sneak in here through the window it wasn't easy but I had to make sure " kid said putting his hand on her shoulder maka turned around facing kid grabbing his hand and held it " I thought he changed...kid but he's the same " maka said squeezing his hand tears fell from her eyes and landed on their hands " maka please don't cry it hurts me to see you like this " kid said maka let go of kid's hand and silently cried on kid's chest " I really thought he changed... " maka said kid held her " don't cry maka I'm here for you...and will always be " kid said " Thank you kid your always so nice and sweet I really won't know what I'll do without you " maka said as she pulled her head out of kid's chest kid wiped her remaining tears on her eye's maka grabbed his hand again and held it close to her

" soul that was so mean shouting at her like that " Blair said slapping soul across the face " yea your right but still she doesn't understand anything " soul said crossing his arm's " I think you should apologize to maka and kid you should just let her go and let them be together " Blair said transforming to her cat form " you can't be serious after all what happened maybe I should just let her cool off " soul said as he laid down on his bed " well you can go ahead and do that unless you want kid coming here and start kicking your ass again " blair said laughing " oh right kid damn it I'm sure going to get it now " soul though to himself " well what are you going to do soul? " Blair said curiously " hmm well I think I'll apologize tomorrow or maybe the day after that or maybe a week after that " soul said chuckling to himself " fine then but don't expect me to save you when kid is kicking your ass " Blair said as she left his room soul just laid there silently until he started to fall asleep " hmm maybe I should check on maka " Blair said stopping in front of the door to maka's room " she has her door closed poor maka soul must of really hurt her feelings hmm maybe I should cook dinner tonight I should also bring maka her food " blair thought to herself she then walked off to the kitchen " oh I can't wait to see her face when she see's the food I'll cook for her " Blair thought to herself as she began to take out ingredients out of the refrigerator

" kid you've always been a great friend but sometimes.....I wish we were more than...friends " maka said blushing " maka... I need to tell you something " kid said all of a sudden there was bangs on the door " maka dinner is ready I made it myself " blair said transforming back to her human form and leaving back to the kitchen " oh I guess I'll be here waiting the rest thought i went home " kid said " oh okay I won't take long " maka said as she left and closed the door behind her " well i guess I'm on my own for now " kid though to himself as he laid on maka's bed

" umm thank you I think " maka said looking down on her plate " your welcome maka I made sure I got the best fish there was available and i used some things I got from the refrigerator " blair said " I hate sea food " maka thought to herself as she continued to stare at the fish on her plate " is something wrong maka? " Blair said hoping she wasn't disgusted by her cooking " oh umm nothing is wrong thank you blair " maka said as she picked up her fork " I don't want to hurt blair's feelings " maka thought to herself

" I was so close telling maka my feelings " kid though to himself as he slowly drifted to sleep " hey maka are you in there " soul said knocking on the door " I'm sorry maka what I did was wrong I won't bother you and kid any more " soul said maka soon came up " oh maka I see you aren't in your room I thought you were I wanted to apologize to you maka I'm sorry " soul said looking down " it's okay soul but still you hurted me " maka said " I know and I'm sorry " soul said looking up at her " blair made dinner you should go and eat " maka said hoping she would get rid of him soul walked off to the kitchen " I thought he was never going to leave " maka thought to herself as she went inside her room finding kid asleep on her bed " umm kid? " maka said poking him on his shoulder

" hey blair I'm starving maka told me you made dinner tonight " soul said as he sat on a chair " oh that makes me happy here you go soul i added a special ingredient on yours " Blair said giving him a plate of fish " are you serious fish that's all and what's this black stuff on it " soul though to himself as he examined his food " is something wrong soul? " Blair said hoping he would like her cooking " umm no nothing is wrong blair I think I'm going to enjoy dinner tonight " soul said lying to Blair " oh in that case I guess here's some more just for you soul " Blair said given soul another plate " oh damn wrong move " soul though to himself

" hey kid ? " maka said yawning, poking him on his shoulder again kid moved a bit but remained asleep " hehe well I guess it can't be helped you've done so much for me already I'm sure your tired " maka said as she laid down next to kid

A/N: thanks for reading I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately

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