A Broken Heart

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In that awkward moment the two meisters stood there looking at each other wondering to themselves on what the other one was thinking " don't be sorry maka..I'll leave you so you can rest " kid said as he walked out the room " did i scare him away... he probably sees me different now I'm so stupid " maka thought to herself she went on the bed and drifted off to sleep kid on the other hand was sitting on the couch thinking on why maka kissed him " what's wrong with you? It looks like you seen a ghost " liz said " i thought you went to sleep " kid said looking down on the floor " did something happen with maka? " liz said she sat next to kid " no nothing happened I'm just thinking about something " kid said looking up " or maybe your just thinking about someone " liz said chuckling to herself " what do you mean by that? " kid said looking at liz suspiciously " oh nothing kid just go to sleep already " liz said walking back to her room " I'm having a strange but a good feeling about what happened in the room with maka...I wonder if she has that feeling as well " kid though to himself he laid on his couch looking at the ceiling just thinking to himself

" damn it i miss maka and her cooking it's all of my fault " soul said sitting alone in the kitchen looking at his food he made until blair walked in with a towel covering her body " aww why is soul sad do you miss maka? " Blair said walking closer to him " yea... i do it's not cool admitting it " soul said playing with his food with a fork " If you miss her so much why don't you go get her back? " Blair said playing his hair " i can't do that" soul said resting his head on the table " why can't you? What's stopping you soul? " Blair said she stopped playing with soul's hair looking at him wondering why he can't do it " well kid's stopping me " soul said punching the table " oh why don't you try to reason with him and get maka back " blair said soul let out a sigh " well I'm not sure i just want maka back and maybe teach kid a lesson " soul said lifting his head back up " oh are you jealous of kid? Or something? " blair said curiously looking at him soul was silent and blair was waiting for him to answer her " well yea... i guess I am jealous of kid " soul said standing up to throw away his food " so what are you going to do soul? " Blair said putting her hands on his shoulders " I'm going to get maka Back i can't stand around here and do nothing " soul said walking at the door " good luck soul be careful i don't know what I'll do if something happens to you " blair said " thanks blair I'm going to bring maka back " soul said leaving the apartment

Kid still remained awake he let out a sigh " I wonder if maka feels the same towards me " kid said talking to himself he put his hand on his lips where maka kissed him he closed his eye's " hey kid are you still awake? " maka said kid immediately opened his eyes and took his hand off his lips " yes I'm awake maka why are you still up? " kid said sitting up " I can't sleep after what I did.... I felt as if I scared you or made you uncomfortable " maka said she walked over and sat next to kid " you surprised me maka..that's all no harm done " kid said looking at maka " oh okay so your not mad at me then? " maka said looking at kid with a worried look on her face " haha why would I be mad at you maka " kid said smiling just hearing kid say those words made maka smile " hehe thank you " maka said the two meisters were silent they just sat there not knowing what to say to each other " are you tired maka?" kid said breaking the silence " nope I'm wide awake what about you kid are you tired? " maka said looking back at him " no i can't sleep at all " kid said looking back at her the two looked at each other making eye to eye contact suddenly kid started to lean close to her

" so this is kid's mansion " soul said standing in front of kid's mansion " I really hope kid is doing nothing to her... i should find a way inside without using the door " soul though to himself he looked around and saw a window " maybe i should check if that window opens " soul said walking up to it there was curtains but he could still see what was inside " hmm wait a minute that's..." soul couldn't finish his sentence he was shocked what he saw through the window

Kid leaned close to maka giving her a kiss on her lips to his surprise maka didn't push him away " kid..." maka said blushing she pulled him closer to her giving him a kiss

Soul just stood there shocked he was angry but in pain " so you came for maka after all " liz said standing behind soul he didn't face her " i knew you loved her but you just denied it " liz said crossing her arm's she looked at soul noticing he wasn't replying to her " hey soul what's wrong? Why aren't you talking? " liz said soul remained silent " aye soul what's wrong tell me " liz said taking a step towards him soul turned around and finally spoke to her " tell maka...that i said I'm sorry " soul said walking away from liz and from the mansion liz stood there watching soul walk away " I'm sorry...so he wanted to apologize to maka why couldn't he do it on his own " liz thought to herself she then walked to the back door silently so she wouldn't wake anyone up she snuck back to her room and thought about what soul said earlier

A/N: yea pretty painful for soul but anyways thanks for reading hope you liked it

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