A new feeling jealousy or love?

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The next morning everyone was in class with their partners they have chosen " I brought some med kits incase if you end up getting poisoned during dissecting the frog " Stein said as he spun around in chair " so do you want to start kid or shall I?" Maka said as she grabbed a scalpel " i'm okay with it " kid said as he put on some gloves maka gave kid the scalpel and kid began to insert the scalpel in the frog until he messed up " crap...i have to make it symmetrical now " kid said as he insert another scalpel in the frog " haha kid really? " maka said as she giggled on what kid said kid finally made his mistake symmetrical " I've made it symmetrical now I'm sure this frog would of been proud " kid said as he pulled both scalpels out of the frog " haha wow kid that's if the frog were alive " maka said as she laughed

" damn it just look at them " soul said to himself as he saw maka and kid laughing together " is something bothering you soul? We need to finish this " liz said as she painted her fingernails " no nothing is bothering me....why did you want me to be your partner again? " soul said as he returned to dissect the frog " oh i just wanted to see how kid would be without me as his partner " liz said as she continued to paint her nails " why couldn't have you chosen someone else? " soul said as he continued to work on the frog " well because i needed to ask some questions if you don't mind that is " liz said as she put away her nail polish " oh yea ? What questions do you have? " soul said as he stopped dissecting the frog " what can you tell me about maka? " liz said as she looked at soul " well she's sweet and kind, she's the best meister,heh there's times where i joke around with her but she doesn't see it as a joke but maybe I should stop with the jokes...but you know i don't know what else to say I am prepared to die for her " soul said as he looked back at kid and maka, liz looked at what soul was looking at and stood silent for a moment until she finally spoke " do you like her? " liz said in a calm voice " of course i do she's my meister " soul said as he continued to stare at kid and maka working together " okay let me rephrase that...do you love her?...do you love maka? " liz said as she waited for soul to answer but soul didn't reply he stood silent liz then again spoke " soul..do you love maka? " liz said as she looked back at soul " no...i don't " soul said as he went back to dissect the frog " soul's only lying to himself he Must have some feeling towards maka " liz thought to herself then looked back at maka and kid

Class was over and everyone walked outside soul waited for maka until he saw kid and her walking together " damn it why can't kid ever leave her alone " Soul thought to himself he started to walk towards maka " hey maka ready to go? " soul said waiting for her to answer him " actually i want to stay and talk to kid a little longer..." maka said as she grabbed kid's arm this had a huge effect on both kid and soul, kid lightly blushed but soul grew angry inside " why! What's so interesting about kid all he ever talks about is symmetry!" Soul said in anger everyone stood silent looking at soul until maka came up to him slapping him across the face " why are you so mad at kid all of a sudden? Kid's very interesting " maka said angry soon soul lost it he raised his fist at maka she was shocked that her own weapon would hit her all of a sudden kid stood in front of maka stopping soul's fist with his hand " who do you think you are...trying to hit a girl " kid said in a calm voice " I'm....her weapon " soul said as he grabbed kid's collar he then thew a punch at kid but kid stopped it with his other hand " regardless if you are her weapon i won't let you lay a finger on her " kid then threw soul back maka stood silent still in shock " why would soul try to hurt me...this isn't like him " maka looked at kid with tears running down her cheeks " does kid really mean that?" Maka thought to herself as the same words kept repeating through her head Soul quickly left back to the apartment leaving maka,kid, and Liz alone " what did i just do...did i really try to hurt maka...what made me like this....kid " soul though to himself he then punched the wall in his room

" hey kid can i umm stay at your place until soul cools off... " maka said as she looked down at her feet blushing " yes you could stay i don't mind " kid said as he placed his hand on her shoulder maka looked up making eye to eye contact with kid while liz just stood there waiting for kid and maka to make a move " oh this looks like it's going somewhere it's to bad patty ain't here " liz thought to herself as she continued to stare at the two kid then took his hand off of maka " anyways maka what about soul? " kid said curiously " oh don't worry about him he can cook for himself and besides he's not alone blair is with him " maka said as she looked away " so kid when are we going back to the mansion i would like to go back soon " liz said waiting impatiently " we'll go right now " kid said as he began to walk back to his mansion with liz and maka following behind him

A/N: hope you liked this one I'll see what I can come up with in the next chapter

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