22 1 1

Nathan mussed his hair, staring in the mirror. The dark circles under his eyes were darker and more prominent
At least it's Friday. He thought, stopping the struggle against his hair and walking out to the kitchen. Ann was standing in a grey blazer and matching slacks. Jack was at the table, cleaning up their breakfast. They didn't turn as he walked in.
"We have the meeting with the Jones' at 3 then your dentist appointment at 4:30."
"Ah no, that appointment was moved to next Tuesday." Ann nodded and gathered her papers into her briefcase. Jack was rushing around, seeming to forget everything. He straightened his tie and pecked Ann's cheek before running out the door. Ann leaned on the counter for a moment, smiling at the closed door. Nathan cleared his throat before walking to the fridge. Ann turned, surprised. Her hand was pressed to her chest. She smiled and rolled her eyes in relief.
"Oh Nathan, it's just you. You scared me." He grunted in response and scanned the fridge shelves.
"We have anymore bacon?"
"Second shelf from the top." Nathan reached up and grabbed the Tupperware of eggs and bacon. He grabbed a fork from the bowl and put the Tupperware in the microwave. He tapped the fork as the microwave counted down.
"So Nathan, how's your classes going?"
"Boring as always." He muttered.
"Tell me about it, I want to know." Nathan scowled and turned to face Ann, struggling not to glare at her.
"It's just school, nothing important or interesting. I don't want to talk about school. Ever." The microwave dinged and Nathan turned to retrieve his breakfast. He shoved a steaming bite into his mouth and walked out of the kitchen to catch a story on the news.
"The girl has been missing for weeks. She has brown hair and bright blue eyes. If you see Kelly, please call this number." There was a cut in picture of a girl around Nathan's age. "Her friends are staying at her parent's home and refuse to give statements." Three more pictures pop up with names underneath. The picture with the name Dylan underneath had a guy with brown hair and glasses. Beside him was Grant with blonde hair and the last was a girl. Her name read Summer and she had brown hair too. A shame. Nathan thought before turning away from the TV. I hope she's alright. Just as the thought passed his mind, a sharp pain shot through his chest. He gasped and dropped his food, clutching his head in pain. Ann heard the noise and ran in, crouching at his side.
"Nathan? What's wrong? What's going on?" The sides of his vision began closing in, encasing him in darkness.

Nathan came to in a hospital bed. He kept his eyes closed and listened to his foster parents talk to the doctor.
"What's wrong, why'd he pass out?" Ann seemed genuinely worried.
"Well, to put it simply, he's overworked and not sleeping." The doctor was nice sounding.
"Over worked?" Straight to the point as always. Nathan struggled not to scoff.
"Has he been under a lot of stress lately? Maybe a new crush or more tests?" A pen clicked.
"We don't know, he hasn't told is anything about extra stress."
"Well how's he been sleeping? You said your rooms are close." There was an affirmative sound from Ann before Jack spoke.
"He tosses and turns a lot, mumbling about one thing or another." Nathan heard the doctor scrawl something on the paper.
"I saw dark circles under his eyes, how long have those been there?"
"A few weeks?" The doctor scrawled something on some paper.
"Alright well I'd like to keep him a couple of days, make sure he's getting the sleep he needs and maybe get him a therapist for the stress." There was silence for a moment as Nathan's heart sped up. The beeping machine sped up too and the doctor began to mess with it. "His heart rate's picking up, we're gonna put him back under."
No! Too late. His limbs got heavy and his mind began to get fuzzy. He heard the doctor begin a sentence but he never finished it.

He was on the path again, the chestnut wolf sitting calmly in front of him. It's pyramid ears pressed forward towards Nathan.
"This again? You've gotta be kidding me." He threw his hands into the air. "What is this stupid wolf supposed to represent?" He glared at the wolf, sick of these stupid dreams that landed him in the hospital. He glared up at the sky. "What the fuck am I doing here?" He yelled, annoyed.
"You're here to learn." Nathan spun around, searching for the source of that voice. It was light and sweet but had an edge of power. there was nothing around but the wolf. Nathan looked at it.
"Did you speak?" It's ears flicked but it said nothing. It turned and looked into the trees. A girl around Nathan's age walked out of the trees in a white linen dress. It gathered above her hips and fell just above her bare feet. She had long white hair falling just below her waist. Her bright blue eyes shone at him, her face curious. She stood beside the wolf and stared at Nathan. "But why you were chosen is beyond me." She looked him up and down. "You're just an insignificant human." The wolf yipped and the girl rolled her eyes before moving in front of her. She then moved to show the Nikki was standing where the wolf once was. Nathan stared at them, confused.
"Where'd that wolf go?" The girl rolled her eyes but Nikki rested a hand on her arm.
"It's alright, Snow. He doesn't know." The girl, Snow, growled lowly.
"No need for insolence, human." Nikki rolled her eyes and went to Nathan. She smile softly.
"You'll forget about this, I promise." She placed her hand over his eyes. "Human or no, the world is changing and Snow doesn't realize the part you'll play." Between her fingers, Nathan saw that Snow had turned around. Two scars began at her shoulder blades and disappeared under her dress. Before Nathan could ask, his mind began to clear.

Okay so ive decided that all my chapters will either end of begin with a dream (in this part at least) with only one dream per chapter, each around 1000 words...that just makes all this easier for me so...love ya, see ya in the next update ^_^

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