The Mistake

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(Ruby's Pov)

I almost kissed Sapphire. I almost kissed Sapphire! I almost kissed Sapphire and Amethyst stopped me. I honestly have no idea why I was going to kiss her.

I have a girlfriend! This is terrible!

"Girls! Dinner!" I hear my mom say and I look at Sapphire. She's blushing this stunning blue. Amethyst just stands there with her mouth open.

"Didn't you hear her? Dinner." I say awkwardly and walk out. I go to the table to see Pearl munching on an apple. I grab a plate and scoop up some spaghetti.

I sit down and start to eat. Sapphire and Amethyst come down soon and grab them a play of spaghetti. Amethyst finishes her's and grabs Sapphire's. Sapphire just stares at her in horror.

I can understand why. Sauce is everywhere! She puts her face on the plate and likes it. A noodle sticks to her face and slowly falls onto the plate. She licks her lips and grabs a napkin. She cleans her face and puts it in the trash.

"You gonna finish that?" She asks me. I look down at my plate to see that I didn't eat too much but after that display I'm not very hungry.

"Go for it. I'm going to hit the hay." I say and Sapphire stops me.

"Where do we sleep?" She asks. Shoot. Mom changed the guest bedroom into an office.

"I call dibs on the couch!" Amethyst says.

"I'll take the recliner!" Pearl says and they hi-five.

"I guess you can sleep in my bed." I say and she follows me to my room. I take a quick shower and change into my pjs and she does the same. She lays down inside the covers and I lay down on the floor.

"Ruby you know this bed is big enough for two people?" Sapphire says and I smile.

I climb in behind her and close my eyes.

(Sapphire's Pov)

While I'm sleeping I feel to arms go around my waist. I get pulled into Ruby's chest and I feel so safe. So warm. Instead of trying to escape her grip I snuggle in further.

She pecks the back of my neck and whispers in my ear.


Well that was expected. Of course she was thinking about her. I'm nothing to her.

*Time Skip*
I wake up to Ruby breathing softly on my neck. I blush as I remember the events of yesterday. Then I remember Ruby saying Emerald in my ear and I frown. I get out of her hold and I go in the bathroom. I do my normal routine and use the still wrapped the guest toothbrush.

"Sapphire? Where are you?" I hear Ruby. I sneak in to the kitchen and decide to make some pancakes. I get all of the ingredients and start on them.

"There you are!" Ruby says and she takes a seat on the counter.

"Yep. Here I am." I say and she looks at me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"We need to talk about what happened yesterday." I say and she pales.

"It was just a mistake. I never meant for it to happen." She says and I nod holding in tears.

"Sapphire I'm sorry but I don't like you that way." She says and I turn away. I leave the pancakes cooking and I walk over to Amethyst. I wake her up by shaking her slightly.

"Can we leave?" I ask and she was about to question me until she sees my face. She puts a hand on my back and she takes me to the car.

She drives me to my house and I run straight to the door. I unlock it and close it.

"Sapphire! Open the door!" Amethyst says.

"No! Just go away!" I say.

"Do you need me to come back and take you to school?" Amethyst asks.

"No. I'm not going." I say and I hear her sigh.

"Okay. Just call me when you're ready to talk." She says and I hear her car start up. I hear her leave my driveway.

"Why couldn't it have been me!" I say while tears trickle down my face.

My phone goes off with texts and calls. Eight texts and thirteen calls all from Ruby. I shut off my phone and go to my bed. I lay down and rest my eyes. I end up falling into a deep and dreamless sleep.

High School Experience (Ruby and Sapphire, Rubapphire, and Steven Universe story)Where stories live. Discover now