Chapter 16

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Dedicated to @ayeshacaindoe
Diggy POV

"What do you mean I'm your brother "

"We have the same mom"

"I think you got the wrong guy"

".......... I don't know maybe.... let me show you my mom"

He whipped out his phone and found a picture .. it was of him as a baby at his 1st birthday party..

I was silent ... sure enough it was my mom and I was standing right next to her

"See you're right next to her "


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you"

"You didn't , I'm just surprised ....."

"Oh well what did you want to talk to me about"

"Uhh " I had to think about this

Should I sign him .. he could possibly be my brother

"Oh yeah uhh I came to say good show, you got talent kid"

"Thanks , moms been giving me lessons "

It was weird since he was referring to my mother

"Yeah.... that's cool ... I gotta go"

"Can I go with you"


"It's just.... I've always wanted to meet my older brother "

"Okay..... I have to make a phone call first "

"Alright I'll pack up"

My manager was waiting for me

"Well" she asked

"He says he's my brother "

"What ? I didn't know you had a brother"

"Neither did I but he has a picture with my mom and I'm in it"

"I'll do some research"


I walked outside and called my mom

"Hey bab-" I cut her off

"So when was you gon tell me I had a baby brother huh"

"What are you talki-"

"Don't play dumb with me ma.. I know now so go ahead and tell me.."

"I - I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but I needed to keep it a secret"

"So that's where you were ... All them times you'd leave me and dad ... you were taking care of another fucking child"

"I'm still your mother so watch yourself boy"

"I'm sorry. but ma you had me believing dad was the reason you always left.. I hated him for that"

"I'm sorry"

"That doesn't cut it ma... I wish it did but it doesn't " I hung up the phone

"Y'all ready" I said walking in to the cafe

"Y'all" my manager questioned

"He's coming with us"

She have me a questioning look but didn't protest

The limo came around and my manager decided we needed some private time so she sat in the front with the driver

"So " Jacob started a conversation

Things Change (Sequel to Nothing Like We Used to Be)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu