Mr. and Mrs. Rose

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After Shadow and the guys put Shaun to bed Amy was on her way home.

P.A. System: Flight 39 has arrived. Repeat flight 39 has arrived.

Amy sees two hedgehogs walking out of a plane.

Amy: Mom, Dad?

Mrs. Rose: Amy!

Mr. Rose: Amy, darling.

Amy: I miss you guys.

Mrs. Rose: Oh Amy, we've missed you too. We haven't seen you since Mobius.

Mr. Rose: Didn't you run off with a Sonic fellow?

Amy: It turns out we were never meant to be together.

Mrs. Rose: Oh honey I'm sorry.

Amy: But, I did find someone new and loves me.

Mr. Rose: Oh where is he?

Amy: He's at home looking after a little someone. C'mon lets go home.

Amy and her parents got into to the car and drove home


Shadow and the guys were sitting on the couch watching a puppet show made for babies.

Shadow: I see why adults love cartoons, because it brings back the kid in them.

Silver: Yup.

Knuckles: Well the baby is asleep. What time Amy gets here?

Shadow: In a hour and a half.

Knuckles: Well wake me up when she's here.

Knuckles turns his body to the arm of the couch and falls asleep.

Sonic: Sweet dreams guys.

Sonic falls asleep in the middle of the couch.

Silver: It's nap time. *YAWN*

Silver turns his body and falls asleep on the other arm of the couch.

Shadow falls asleep on the floor next Shaun's rocking chair.


Amy comes home opens the door and sees the guys sleep. She laughs.

Amy: Guys wake up, my parents are here.

The guys woke up from their good sleep.

Amy: Shadow I would like you to meet my father Dr. Conrad Rose and my mother: Sheila Rose. Mom, Dad, this is Shadow, my husband

Amy's parents approach Shadow

Shadow: It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Rose.

Shadow holds out his hand for a handshake. But Mr. and Mrs. Rose greeted him with a hug.

Mr. Rose: It's a pleasure to meet you too, son.

Amy: There's someone else you guys should see.

Mrs. Rose: A pet?

Amy: No mom.

Shadow picks up Shaun and hands him to Amy.

Amy: This is our baby, Shaun.

Mrs. Rose: Oh joy, grandchildren

Mr. Rose: A baby? You're a mother now? Why, I haven't came up with a grandparent nickname yet. His name is Shaun you say? Who named him that?

Shadow: I did sir. It's similar to mine.

Mrs. Rose: Oh enough with questions Connie, we're grandparents now.

Shadow: Well you all must be hungry, we've made dinner and we're set to eat.

everyone went to the dinning room sat down and ate dinner.


Sonic, Silver, and Knuckles went home and it was time for bed. Amy's parents slept in the guest room.

Amy: I'm glad you guys came to spend Christmas with us.

Mr. Rose: So are we Amy.

Mrs. Rose: You know Cecily and Sabrina are here in California and they want to spend Christmas with us. If that's okay with you.

Amy: We're family, of course they can spend Christmas with us.

Mrs. Rose: Goodnight Amy , goodnight Shadow and goodnight Shaun.

*their door shuts*

*Shadow and Amy walks in their room and put Shaun in his crib*

Shadow and Amy lay in their bed.

Shadow: So Christmas huh. What are you hoping to get?

Amy: Our first Christmas together?

Shadow: Aww.

*kisses Amy on the lips*

Shadow: There's one question.

Amy: Yeah?

Shadow: Who's Cecily and Sabrina?

Amy: Oh my sisters. Goodnight.


Amy cuts off the lights.

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