Our First Album

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     Today was the day for all of us to make our first album. We have spent two weeks writing songs for the album. We came up with 10 songs. When we made it to the recording studio we got in position and started to sing our number 1 song." Devil Heart." We spent an hour perfecting that song and getting all the background sounds and stuff ready.
     Our second song was one we wrote while eating fast food. It is called "Darkened Love." We had to work on it for at least a couple days. I had a hard time coming up with lyrics for the song.
     Our third song was written at the park when we were taking a break. It is called "The Shadows in the Hall." It was a very strange song at first but we found a way to make it a good song.
      The fourth song "dreams of evil." Was hard to come up with and it was very hard to hind a good rhythm for this song. I had a difficult time making lyrics also but hey we made it through and it turned out great.
     The fifth song was based on the time the bear bit my leg and when my crush saved my life. It doesn't say exactly what happened but it is basically the gist of it. It is call "angel of the dark." Im super proud of this song.
     This next song (number six) is about the first time I met Shay and Dan its called "Band By Day, Friends By Heart." It is a darker song but still beautiful. I didn't think I would come up with a tittle for this song.
       Song number seven is the song we first came up with called "Broken Shadows." We thought we should have a song named after the band so we did.
     Number 8 is all about magic. It is called "Black Dust." Its about black magic and the dangers of it. It is a slow yet darker song. But I still love to sing it.
     Numbers nine and ten are covers over other songs. Nine is " The Drug in Me is You" by Falling in Reverse. Number ten is " Fallen Angels" by Black Veil Brides.
     We sung all the songs in one day which is a record according to Mell. I still feel really embarrassed about that incident with Dan. I liked the hug but I think that may have put a hole in the relationship. "So are we all done here?" Shay asked as she put down her drum sticks. "Yup all you need to worry about now is that people will but it." Said Mell looking at all of us. "I cant believe we made our first album." Said Shay walking towards us. "Ya I cant wait to see how it turns out." Dan said with a smirk on his face. "Oh ya one more thing before we release it." Said Mell. "We need to get photos of the band to put on the cover." "Alright. When do we start shooting music videos?" Ask Dan. "When we know people like the music you sing." Said Mell as he walked out.

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