The Beginning of Something Big

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Its morning and all I can think of is the way Dan ran to my side and faced the near like a man. My leg still feeling me with pain. No one in the cabin but me. I pulled off my covers and find a brace on my leg as if I broke it. I tried to stand up but I fell to the ground and cried in pain. As I tried to stand up again I succeeded and headed to the bathroom but only using one leg, which was very difficult for me sense I couldn't bend my leg. I kept grabbing the wall as I took each step. As I made it to the bathroom and shut the door Shay walked in and noticed it was very quiet. She walked over to my bed and saw nothing there. "Dan!!" She yelled as she ran out the cabin door. "Dan! Dan! Dan!" She yelled running trying to find him. "Ya?" He said walking behind her almost scaring the crap out of her. "Z is gone!" She said to him. They both run to the cabin and Dan runs to my bed. "Where is she?" He asked to himself. "Im here." I said trying to walk out of the bathroom. "You had me worried sick." He said picking me up and putting me in my bed. "Sorry." I said then looked at my lap all sad. He bent down, looked me in the eyes, leans forward and, kisses my forehead and puts his forehead to mine. Then he got up and went to make dinner.
"Did he mean to do that?" I thought to myself confused but also happy. He makes me feel warm inside when he is around. "How is your leg feeling?" He asked while cooking. "Its getting better." I said and looked at it. "When do you think you can walk again?" Shay asked with a concerned face. "I don't know." I said as I laid on my pillow.
Dan walked out of the cabin. It was just me and Shay. "So how are you and Dan going?" She asked then winked. "I don't know but I think our relationship is going somewhere." I said with a smile. "Ooo. That is exciting." She said while making a funny face. I don't know what is up with her but ever sense I told her I had a crush on him she has been acting so unexpectedly lately. I have been so distracted sense I first saw him. "You maybe even in love with him." Shay said as she walked into the kitchen. I never thought this would happen to me. I made a best friend who is almost a duplicate of me and I have a crush who likes the same things I like." Im gonna go to bed early so I can get up to pack." I said laying down on my pillow." Why pack?" Shay asked confused." Because we are leaving tomorrow." I said surprised. "I think everything is going to change for me and Dan when we get back home." I said a little scared. "I think so too." Shay said as she grabbed a piece of cheese from the fridge. I turned around , laid down, closed my eyes and, drifted off to sleep.
The next morning I woke up before anyone else. I reached in my closet and grabbed my suitcase. I folded all my clothes and put them in. Then I went to the bathroom and grabbed all my toiletries and shoved them in my bag. After I finished packing I walked over to the fridge and grabbed an apple. After I ate the apple I went and woke everyone up and told them to start packing. They got up, finished packing and, ate. After everyone was ready to go we got into the car and drove home. "Goodbye death camp." I said in my head as I looked back at the cabin. Then turned around and talked with Shay and Dan.

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