7 : I like you too.

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Jeonghan didn't want to hear those words. It would be different if she says she likes him too. He didn't know if he could be as calm as he is then if things work out between them.

"Even when I was with Seungcheol, you've become a person I came to miss, to look out for, to care about. And you doing this for me, just made me feel for you even more..."

"Don't Seunghee... You don't know what you're talking about. You don't want to be saying those words to me right now..."

"I like you too Jeonghan. And it's more than how I felt towards Seungcheol."

Jeonghan looked up to her. Surprised. Losing composure. He didn't expect this to be happening.

"I've always had a barrier between me and Cheol. I've never really opened up to him. He was someone I fear, someone I had to be always on guard with. But with you, it was always casual, relaxed. I could always depend on you. I could always trust your words, your actions, your instincts. I've really come to like you Jeonghan. Not the tingling like kinda feeling, but the sure, dependable, proud kind. I can always relax when I'm with you. That's why I want to thank you for liking me."

Seunghee reached out her hand. Jeonghan stared at her and she smiled at him. He smiled back, but deep inside he was in a turmoil. His heart was beating so fast. He had kept his cool for so long, and now it had finally come to this. He could finally have Seunghee for himself. He was going crazy inside. He knew it was wrong to think it, but what he was really going insane about was the thought, she was finally his.


To be continued...

20 (Seventeen Jeonghan x CLC Seunghee)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz