Asher linked his arms with her's, urging her forward. From behind them she heard Declan snorting.  "No, but you do. "

She tensed, locking her feet to the ground and pulling Asher to a sudden stop.  She looked over her should at Declan with a terrified expression. "I don't shop at Armani!" She cried out. She couldn't even afford groceries. How the hell did they think should could afford this kind of shopping spree? Had they forgotten the only reason she had a place to live was because of them? "I can't afford it!"

Declan raised a brow as Asher turned to face him. "I never said anything about  you paying for anything, now did I?"


Declan pressed his index finger to her lips, lightly shushing her.  "I think you need a confidence boost and whereas Asher and I think you are completely gorgeous as you are we don't think you see how completely amazing you are yourself. It's understandable though, after years of being spoken down to."

Emmalee shook her head, lightly pushing his hand from her face. "Look, really, I can't. In fact, I should be out looking for a job."

"Confidence is key, Emmalee." Asher finally spoke, releasing her arm and turning her to face him.  "You're more likely to impress a probable employer if you have an air of confidence about yourself.  To have confidence you must have good self esteem.  We are going to help you with that. Give you a make over, a confidence boost, so that maybe you can start seeing yourself the way we do." He finished with a soft smile.

Emmalee swallowed, feeling tears well up.  They just didn't make sense to her. They were doing far too much for someone who was a virtual stranger. "But why?" She choked out. 

"Because we want to." Asher said simply.

"And we can." Declan pulled out his handkerchief from his back pocket. "Now, deep breath and clean up your face. We've got quite a bit to do today."

Emmalee silently accepted the handkerchief and lightly dabbed her eyes, breathing in deeply through her nose and letting it out her mouth.  "If this isn't all for sex," She began softly, offering his handkerchief back. "Then why do all this?"

He accepted it, folding it and placing it back into his pocket. He needed to word this as carefully as he he possibly could.  "A man can do something nice for a woman simply for the fact he wants to show her he cares and means well.  Because she deserves to be treated properly. Though, I'm not saying I wouldn't want to have sex with you, but when that time comes it won't be because you felt like I paid for you to be there. I'll have you in our bed because you want to be there. You'll beg to be there." He finished with a wink as a soft pink flush rose to her cheeks. His hand went to her lower back and her urged her forward. "Now come along."

Asher shook his head, rolling his eyes with a soft chuckle. He moved forward with them, still at Emmalee's side until they approached their destination.  Moving forward, he grabbed the door and pulled it open for them to enter.  They had only made it a few steps inside before they were greeted with a smile and Asher took his spot back at Emmalee's side. 

"Hello, my name is Ashley. Is there anything I can help you with today?" The tall brunette asked. 

"Yes, " Declan spoke, slipping his hands into his jean pockets.  "We are looking for this lovely lady."

Asher nodded. "Something casual yet sexy."

"And perhaps something classy, you know, what you would wear at an interview?"

"Oh, and something formal like for red carpet events?"

"Red carpet events?" Emmalee squeaked, feeling overwhelmed, only to be shushed by Declan.

"A few different evening gowns." Declan said, looking thoughtful. "Something appropriate for date nights."

Ashley gave Emmalee a look down, starting from her head down to her flat covered toes before looking at the two men before flashing them a polite smile.  "I'm sorry." She said simply.  "I don't think we have anything," She paused looking Emmalee over once again, causing her face to turn bright red,"for someone like her."

Emmalee could die or at least she wanted to. Clearing her throat, despite wanting to cry, she stood tall. "Well, that's okay." She said softly, turning to leave only to be stopped by Asher taking her hand.

"I'm sorry, you moved so quickly I wasn't aware that you had looked."

Emma's attention turned to Declan, his tone was cold and unforgiving--sending shivers down her spine. 

"Instead of plastering on that sickeningly fake smile, why don't you do your job instead of making judgments on people with a passing glance?" He spat. 

"Is there a problem here?" Another employee asked, having noticed the tension across the room. 

Declan's eyes stayed on Ashley's a moment longer before turning to face the new comer. Reading her name tag he forced a smile on his lips.  "Yes," He spat. "There is Maci." Maci looked from Ashley to Emmalee as he explained their current predicament, horror crossing over her features. 

"I'm so very sorry for Ashley's rude behavior. I can promise you it will be dealt with." She said glaring at the other young woman. Her gaze quickly turned to Emmalee, smiling apologetically. "Let's get you measured, alright?" She held out her hand to her.

Asher blocked Emmalee from taking the other woman's hand. "Give us one reason we should spend out money here." He stated simply. 

Beside them Ashley scoffed. "Like you have any money with the rags you came in here with."

"Are you completely stupid today?"  Maci asked throwing her hands in the air.  "That's Declan Tate and Asher Mills from Handcuffs and Alibis. " She shook her head. "You know what. Get out. You're fired."

Ashley scoffed. "You can't fire me."

"I just did." She said waving. "Goodbye."

Asher urged Emmalee forward after Ashley was angrily escorted out of the building. "I can live with that reason."

The next two and a half hours went by without further issue other than Emmalee's complaints on the prices.  In the end they bought four dresses, two skirt outfits with matching tops, and various accessories. From there the moved to Prada for matching shoes, and hand bags.  By then she was too exhausted to argue and allowed the men to do as they pleased, merely nodding or shaking her head when appropriate. 

Exiting the last store Emmalee sighed. "Are we quite finished yet?"

Declan chuckled. "What's the matter love, don't like shopping?"

Emmalee merely shrugged, looking back at the ridiculous amount of bags the two were carrying.  "Want me to take some of that?"

"Nope." Asher answered for them both. "Charles should be here in a moment to pick up the bags. After that we can go for pizza or." He said, checking the time on his watch. "Or not. It's a quarter passed five." He stated, looking at Declan.

"We will have to order a pie to go." He responded. "And then we can show Emmalee what it's like to be a rock star."

What is this? A second update? In one month? Geez, I'm on a roll! I appreciate all the love and support.  You guys are truly the best.  As always, what did you guys think? I think things are moving along nicely. Things should start picking up a bit more, you know to the good stuff, after the next chapter or two. 

I do have a question for you all. When you guys are reading who do you guys picture as Declan, Asher, and Emmalee? Let's see if any of you were thinking alike.  Or if anyone was thinking along the same lines as me. 

Please remember to vote and comment. They're motivational. ;) 

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