He opened his brown eyes and looked up at me. His eye twitched from the pain and sat up slowly. "I'm nimble enough to do that. How do you think I scare Clint sometimes?"

"All of you scaring each other is ridiculous." I got up and faced the window. It was cloudy. The sun's rays peeked out from behind some clouds, but went away after a few minutes.

"Eh, it passes the time." Peter ruffled his messy brown hair and adjusted his glasses. He fixed his gray shirt and blue jeans before talking again, changing the topic completely. "You know, it wasn't your fault."

"How do you even know? You weren't here..." I trailed off. The scene replayed right before my eyes like a silent movie. My finger was so close to the trigger...

Peter stretched his arms carefully and stood up. "Clint called and said there was a code black. Loki had been here. Whatever he made you do, it's not your fault."

"I'm a monster, Peter. He could have tricked me into killing the whole team."

He quickly replied, "But you didn't. We've all been deceived before. You're not a bad person."

I didn't say anything and crossed my arms. I could defend myself all I wanted, but there's no way I could get him to think differently. He was stubborn like Aunt May. Maybe I could tell him how I felt. "Peter..."

He spun me around and put his hands on my shoulders. His eyes gazed into mine deeply and made sure he had my attention. "Where is the Lilly that's proud to be a mutant? That Lilly kicks ass. She's no different than the rest of us. Most of us were created to be the way we are now and we chose to be heroes. People might see us as monsters in a way, but that doesn't stop us from doing good. Monsters aren't just horrible things. They can be good too."

"I...I..." I stuttered and my eyes widened. I hadn't thought about it like that before.

He continued, "Embrace it, Lilly. All of us are in danger everyday and we don't have time to mope about what could have been. We don't have time in general. We need you to be on alert. We need you to be okay. We're a team and we need to stick together if we're going to win this war."

All of that...actually made sense. Steve was engineered to be a super soldier. Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider. Bruce soaked up a bit too much gamma radiation. They were still heroes. Sure, at first they must have felt like me, but they chose to do good. They chose to save people. Now that he opened my eyes to that, I felt a lot better about myself. "When did you get so wise?"

Peter fixed my crooked glasses and one corner of his mouth lifted. "I've had time to think while recovering."

I shouldn't be mad at myself. I should be pissed off at Loki. He almost made me kill Steve. If I hadn't been tricked, none of this would have happened. Yeah, I had the capability of killing the team, but I couldn't help that. It's how I was made. That didn't mean I was going to go on a murder spree like I was meant to. I could choose to do good. And I will. My heart ached with guilt still. I didn't think I was a bad person, but I still almost blew Steve's brains out. I almost killed him... "Thank you, Peter."

He sat down on my bed, pleased with giving a great little speech. He could tell I was doing a lot better now. He couldn't even wait to change the subject, "How did your date with Steve go? You never told me."

I sat down next to him. He was going to bug me until he heard something about it. I knew that. "It went...great. He was very nice for once." I smirked at the memory.

"Ooooo, Lilly has a crush on Steve! Lilly has a crush on Steve!" Peter sang with the biggest grin on his face.

I pushed him over. "Shut up. You're such a child."

A Call to Action (Avengers Fan Fiction #1)  | REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now