My Personal Diary; Not done- First 8 entry's.

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This is my REAL LIFE diary. All rights are reserved to me (nicole76) All names have been changed for privacy reasons. Please do NOT judge.

Friday August 14, 2009:

This is my new diary.. I usually don't do well about writing in these I only write if it's like a really cool dream or something oober important happened. There's really not much to say about me. I have many friends although I don't trust not one of them, which is kinda gay if you ask me. I am kinda a whore I have only kissed three guys but with two of those guys I have done wayyy more. First guy I ever kissed is Jake. That's all I did with him. Second boy I kissed was Damien, I still have feelings for him and I still would do things with him if I could. I gave him a blow job and that was about the biggest thing we did although I was going to have sex with him. Then there was Kevin, have no idea what I was thinking there but it doesn't really matter he was my summer '09 fling, just something to do so I didn't get bored. The first time we ever met in person we hooked up... Several times, it was the 4th of July so it was romantic. After he asked me to be his girlfriend that day we hung out a lot more.. In the end which wasn't even a month I gave him 4 blow jobs, made out several times, made out with my best friend Candice and suckked on her nipples for him. Then there's Matt although we have only known each other for like 9months he is the most important guy in my life. He has been my rock long after Damien and even before him. We have dated and been through a lot together including 5 selfish cheating expo-says (by me). I can honestly say though, that I love that kid with all my heart!

August 15, 2009:

Okay so today was boring as fuckk, I woke up at like 1pm haven't checked my mail, myYearbook, orMyspace or even Facebook yet.. Err I am supposed to go to the fair I was just yelled at to go get ready because we are leaving at 6. But I doubt we even go. So I came upstairs took a naughty video for Matt and then changed and did my makeup. I really want a vibrator I can't wait til I am 18 or even can drive, then I will get one. But by then I could just go and fuckk.. ha.

August 22, 2009:

Okay so I realize I haven't wrote in awhile but the day after the last time I wrote. I went to the fair with Janice and saw a man with no jaw. Then I went to Cedar Point that was a lot of fun. I rode everything that's important besides the Maverick. Then today after I got into a huge fight with Matt the other night he asks me to be his girlfriend.. I didn't give him an answer though.. Now I am talking to him on the phone then I'm going over to Janices'.

I <3 MATT!

No date:

OMG like the other night I went to a football game and Jake was there and he was like hotter than ever and he is like so fuckking bangable... I mean like OMG almost hotter than Damien! That hott!

August 30th, 2009:

Okay so me and Matt are over. I really like Kayden, but I don't trust him.. He claims he doesn't gave a girlfriend but this chick named Sam leaves him comments on his Myspace that are like "I love you babe".. Which he allows to be posted, which so isn't cool in my book.. He claims it's his ex, but which isn't she moving on? Like that so isn't cool she need to move on and she needs to not post that and delete them already.. She's ugly too. He claims the reason why he leaves them up there is because it will upset her if he deletes them.. And he doesn't like to upset girls. Which is fine withme.. But he needs to just do it she will move on. I still love Matt but it's like a bro-sis type of love, nothing else.

Also me and Kayden had some amazing phone sex!

September 2, 2009:

I love Matt forever and always!

I love Matt! He is my world, he means so much to me. I don't even think he knows exactly how much. He is fuckking amazing. I wish I could switch places with him so he could see what he makes me feel like when he says "I love you" It's the most amazing feeling ever. 

All that stuff about Kayden on the page b4 this is a LIE I hate that kid forever and always.

September 8, 2009:

Today is my sisters birthday. Me and Damien are hanging out today also I will fill you in later. Also the first day of school, we have this new kid Chance. He is chubby but cute. Talk more later.

October 25, 2009:

Damien is amazing, and stable which is something I really need right now unlike Matt which for the first time three days ago told me he hated me because I cheated on him. I cried and cut:( Then the next day he told me he loved me again. Then he hated me the next day. He obviously doesn't know what he wants and I am done being jerked around. I am not a very trusting person anyways and I have a wall. Matt is now on the outside just like everyone else. I was rushed to the ER yesterday because I blacked out and ran into my door frame and couldn't breathe. I was dehydrated and low on iron because I was on my period. It was bad. I was scared I was going to die. I cheated on Matt again with Damien it's the second time except this time I didn't tell him I made out with Damien at least 24 different times and didn't tell him he found out because I took a survey on Myspace, dumb I know right.. But yyeaah.

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