Chapter 7: Fourth Test

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The soft wind that had sprung up wound its way through Evony's still damp hair. It tried to send strands flying, but her curly mane had been partially tamed by a low horsetail and the added weight of the water made the individual pieces too heavy to move. Still, it felt nice to be cool.

Heading into the building that housed their quarters, Evony had barely stepped foot into the hall when Admina rushed towards her, eyes wide, face pale. She frowned. "What's wrong?"

Her friend twisted her hands together. "It was in the eating hall when we awoke. The fourth test has been announced and our time slots decided. I-I don't know how to do this."

"Only someone who pretends at being nobility would require the aid of the barbarian," said a voice as three girls passed them by.

Evony turned her gaze to the speaker, Venita of Argentia, while Admina flushed. "It is manners and honour that make someone noble," she said, tired of the constant snipping comments. "Otherwise you're no different than a broodmare."

Venita choked and Evony took the opportunity to grab Admina and gently tow her into her room. She had to change anyway and it would keep her from being drawn into a pointless argument with the other girl. She really shouldn't have even given into the impulse to say anything, but the Argentia girl was just so...wearing.

Once they were safely in her room with the door closed, she turned towards Admina. "What's this test that has gotten you into a lather?"

Her friend stared at her for a moment. "Oh. Oh! We're all to take it in turns to walk his imperial majesty through the gardens. Our time slots have already been assigned and it's happening today! I'm to be second last and you last! What am I supposed to say to him? How do I speak to-to the emperor? He is the man who rules the world!"

Evony raised her eyebrows. "I thought the point of this competition was for him to choose a bride. And that you wanted this. I would think you'd have to be able to talk to someone you were considering as a lifemate. I think it's a good opportunity to see if you'd be at all comfortable being his bride."

" speak like I have a choice," Admina whispered, looking at the ground, her hands fisted around the sides of her dress.

"Don't you? It would be easy enough to get yourself kicked out of the competition."

"The alternative is much worse."

Evony's gaze narrowed but she didn't press Admina. Her friend would tell her when she was ready. "There is another option."

Admina jerked her head up to stare at her. Evony smiled. "You could always come home with me. Amazzi have been known to adopt girls in the past, especially those who are in situations that are less than ideal. Once you are Amazzi, it would take the force of several armies to remove you from Silvinsula and the person would have to go against the emperor to do so. Our rights and treaties agreed to would leave him no choice."

"B-but I'm no child."

"By our laws you are. No one becomes an adult until they are twenty years of age."

"But I can't use a bow."

Evony chuckled. "We could teach you. And it's not like my people are all warriors. We wouldn't get anything done if we were. There are plenty of other trades and jobs available that you could learn to do, if you were so minded."

A ghost of a smile tugged at Admina's lips. "I have always wanted to go to Silvinsula since I first learned of the Amazzi as a child."

While she smiled back, a thought niggled into Evony's brain. She left it at the back to percolate, concentrating instead on the immediate. "You always have options. I won't let anyone force you into anything you don't want to do."

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