The Plan

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I couldn't go do missions today. I just cant. Not with Hiro there. I just needed some time to cool off. But I know I'm going to have to go back to doing missions sometime because

One :

My parents would kill me.

And two :

It's one of the only parts of me left.

When I'm doing missions, thats when I really feel like myself. No hiding. No pretending. And I'll go, even if that jerk Hiro is there. Because I love being a super. It's what makes me

Right when I was about to sit down and read, I heard the doorbell ring. Please let it not be Hiro.

I opened the door to find that it was Gogo and Honey Lemon.

"Hey Vi." Honey Lemon said sweetly

"What are you guys doing here? Dont you have missions."

"Dont you?" Gogo said back. She continued,

"Look Vi, we maybe on the same team. But we are your friends, we just want to know whats going on."


I was about to say no. But talking to friends would be nice. I haven't really talked to people about my feelings in a long time.

"Ok." I opened the door for them and they stepped inside.

* * *

"WHAT?!" Honey Lemon screamed.

"HOW COULD HE DO THIS?" she continued.

"It's not like him to ditch you.. and... make out with a girl he saved you from..." Gogo shook her head.

"Vi" Honey Lemon said while taking my hand, "Who was that girl."

"Someone named Julia."

"Ugh Julia. Makes me want to throw up."

"Wait. Gogo. You know her?"

"Ya. we used to be best friends when we were younger. Until one day one of the popular girls showed up and asked Juila to be her friend instead of mine. And just like that. She left me. Without even hesitating."


"But that doesn't matter anymore because I have you guys now" She said with a smile.

"Awww" Honey Lemon hugged her.

"But enough about me now. This Julia is going down."

"But what if Hiro really did want to be with her?"

"Come on Vi. We all know there is a reason behind this."


"Will you at least come to missions with us tomorrow?" Honey Lemon pleaded.


"Thanks for telling us Vi."

* * *


"You ready for this?" Wasabi spoke.

"Yup" Fred replied. And knocked on Hiro's door.

Hiro opened the door with a surprised look.

"What are you guys doing here? You're supposed to be doing missions."

"We can't do missions without the team leader"


"Hiro. Whats going on? It's not like you to skip missions."

"I'm fine"


"Look just leave me alone ok?" Hiro said a bit too harshly.

"Will you at least come to missions tomorrow?"

"Fine" He said while slamming the door in their face.

"Wasabi, something is defiantly up."

"Ya think?"

                            * * *

"What did you guys find out about Hiro?" Honey Lemon said.

"He didn't really speak to us but he said that he'll come to missions."

"Ok thats good"

"What about Vi?"

"Apparently during school Hiro ditched her for a girl named Julia. Which by the way happens to be the same girl that bullied Vi."

"Uhhh why didn't she just fight back? She's probably much stronger." Wasabi said confused.

"Because she obviously can't show her powers outside of missions." Fred said.

"Oh ya..."

"Anyways tomorrow we have to get Hiro to spill the truth and Violet to forgive him at all costs" Gogo stated

"Right!" everyone exclaimed.

Phew that was a long chapter.
But I guess it makes up for my small absence. 😅

Next update coming soon!

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