Chapter 7

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I headed up to my house, a couple days had past and everything had gone back to normal. Everything except Ben. I missed him terribly I spent the last couple days in my room crying and wishing he was still here with me. I walked to school that morning with my ripped bag on my back and my old clothes. I was tired and did not wanna deal with the girls that we're absolute bitches to me all the time. 

" Hey dirt bag where you been?" Lucy asked racing up behind me.

" Hey, did you finally get new clothes?" Jamie said.

" Hey your mom still working the corners?" Penny said. I turned around and knocked 3 punches on the girls who insulted me since I got here. I turned and walked away.

I got home the following day. I sat on my bed and put my face into my hands and curled up into a ball and laid on my bed. I heard a noise from my closet and went to look. I got up and there was nothing there I heard a tap on my window.. I walked over and looked outside. On the ground below me was my worst fear. There was ZOZO smirking and waving...                                                                     

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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