Chapter 5

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I awoke in a dark cold room. I could hear the sound of water dripping onto the cold cement floor. I got to my feet and tried to feel around for an exit of some sort. I came to a door and budged the door. Locked. I tried kicking the door down and eventually the lock broke off. I snuck out of what looked like an underground tunnel and I ran as fast as I could. I saw sunlight! Freedom ran through my mind. " What shall we do with her body? River? Burn it? I think river." I heard the demonic voice say. I stopped dead and backed against the wall and closed my eyes. They passed into another darken room and all I could hear was the frighten screams of a girl as I was running away. I ran up into the moonlight of the evil town and headed towards the forest and kept my eyes open at all causes. I realized I was dealing with life or death. I reached the forest edge and kept walking. I heard the same noises as I heard the first time I had entered the forest. I walked deeper and deeper hoping to find the sign.I heard a scream and saw a shadow. More panicked I walked quicker. I had finally reached the sign having no clue on how I was going to get home.

An hour later I finally figured out what I hadn't done when I first saw the sign. Touch it, I never laid a finger on the sign. I reached over and tapped the sign with my index finger. The sky began to change colour, the ground shook and I was holding onto the sign for dear life. I closed my eyes... Everything stopped shaking I kept my eyes closed. My ears rung with the sound of birds chirping and the sunshine in my eyes. I was home.

" Uh? Maddison are you ok?" Ben whispered. I couldn't believe it home. In my own time, I was safe I ran and wrapped my arms around Ben and whispered

" Yes, uh.. sorry I'm fine." I continued to walk back and exit the forest when suddenly I heard a demonic whisper from behind me.

" You will never forget the secret, you will never unsee what it was like 50 years ago. Go, RUN!"

I turned around and Ben looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. I walked back and apologized for the sudden change of mood. He said nothing and walked, our hands awkwardly hitting each others and I was wishing he would take it. We walked back through the forest and down the street it was unusually quiet at this time of day. Until we reached my stop, I thanked him for the help and understanding me I gave him a quick smile and hug good bye but before I entered he gave me his address if I ever needed to see him unexpectedly. I thanked him and quickly ran inside my house. I looked around in the house and everything was back to normal.

" Mom?"

I shouted. No reply, I looked around the house and she was no where to be found. A panic feeling hit my stomach and my legs felt like a 400 ton metal weight had been dropped on them. My mind must be screwing with me. It couldn't be I never actually returned home. I sprinted out of the house and headed straight for Ben's. I got to his house and knocked rapidly on his door. He came to the door and admittedly asked what was wrong. I explained everything from day 1 to what was happening now. After I was out of breath, I was speaking so fast I couldn't even tell if he grasped onto what I was saying. He stared blankly and took me inside. I hadn't ever been inside his home and there wasn't any furniture or television. Nothing it looked like he lived alone.

" Listen to me and listen to me very carefully. I came here to discover the secrets. I knew Salem was a town of evil.. I knew everything and the truth is I was here 50 years ago when Salem was a horrid place to be. I am not even alive. I died, I was tortured by the man who dressed as me to scare you. That is a demon by the name of ZOZO. People have claimed to have summoned him on the Ouija board and he has killed them. I was sent to protect you and the town. Listen we have to leave, the town is going to be in ruins soon. Please come." Ben spoke firmly.

I couldn't breathe my chest felt so heavy I got up. Suddenly we heard a strange slow knock at the door. I looked out the peep hole and saw the most terrifying face I had ever seen in my entire life! It was ZOZO with the witches and demons. The face of ZOZO was red. Very red. He had devil horns that stuck out on top of his head, his skin was bloody, ripped and burnt. Eyes blacker then the night sky. I knew when I first saw him. He had the look of killing in his eyes.

" Ben, you little shit get your ass out here before I eat your soul and your little girlfriends you bastard."

The demonic voice said from the door. Ben whispered for me to hide somewhere and I did as I was told. I ran upstairs and heard crashes and smashes of things down stairs. I was in the closet hiding in the back under some dusty clothes. I heard the creaking of foot steps coming from the stairs and I was trembling and hardly breathing. I wanted to scream and cry but I couldn't, not if it meant life or death.  The closet door creaking open I heard the cold breathing of ZOZO and couldn't breathe. Everything went cold. I felt a presence breathing on me. I held my breath... it had stopped. I got up and looked outside no one was there I assumed they had gone and Ben called me down. When I reached the bottom of the stairs my eyes filled with tears at the sight of Ben. They had cut his cheeks with razor blades and burnt them shut. They had sliced his wrists and beaten him blue. I ran over holding him in my arms crying.

" Ben, what have they done to you?" My voice said shaking.

" Maddison, you know I am dead but I came to protect you and the town so I am half alive and I can be killed again. Listen I know I am dying and I only had one chance from god to protect you and I blew it by dying. Listen you are the most beautiful girl I had ever met. I am so glad I got  to spend the time I had trying to save the town with you Maddison. I wish that you know, we had spent more time together. I never saw you at school was because I was searching for the candle.. Listen before I go this is how you put an end to all the madness." Ben spoke softly. I looked at him with eyes full of tears.

" There is a candle. The candle of dependence take it, go to the sign and burn it. Take the ashes and bury them in ZOZO's grave the real name of the man was Rupert Merret find the grave with that name and bury the ashes with him and all this will be gone." Ben explained. I knew he was dying I knew once I had gotten close with another person they would disappear, or leave. Ben slowly reached up and grabbed my face, I looked deep into his blue eyes and kissed him for the first and last time. A few moments later he had died in my arms. My eyes puffy and red from crying I had gotten up and left to end this.

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