Chapter 4

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The next morning was the same as what happened the day before. Everything was gone. I did the same routine as everyday got up went to school and then something changed about that day that no one would ever forget. I entered the forest of Salem for the third time and all I could have ringing through my ears were the words of Ben telling me and warning me about the girl. I continued walking and came to the sign again. And of course I followed right, but something happened.. When I had reached the end of the end of the path.. there was nothing. Only forest, I turned back confused and angry and there was still only forest. I retraced my steps and yet saw only forest again. My heart pounding and my head spinning I didn't think this would really happen to me! I looked all around nothing but trees and branches on the ground! I couldn't take the confusion and madness this was killing me internally. I wanted to scream and yell for help but the sudden realization that no one would be able to hear me... I paused I heard a voice behind me. I turned around quickly. I screamed for help. No one could hear me. I couldn't even hear the echos of my own voice. Panicked and frighten I bolted straight for the sign again. I reached it and it said something completely different from when it did before. " Once you come you may never return.. third times the charm." I was alarmed I wanted out I wanted to go home. I yelled once more for help but silence over took the forest. I tried going to the edge again but something different happened this time. I walked to the forest edge and saw down. It wasn't the town I was in before it was deserted. I shouted for someone and hoping to get a reply I did. I heard a faint hello back. I sprinted over to the side walk and shouted again. I heard the thud of sneakers running on the pavement. I had no clue who was there or if I even knew them. I ran forward and saw his familiar face, It was Ben! I wondered where he had disappeared to.

" BEN OH MY GOD BEN!" I shouted. He came running over and wrapped his arms around my body and hugged me tight.

" Oh Maddison, I thought I'd never see you again!" He exclaimed.

" What happened!!?? Where did you run off to after the second time I went into the forest?" I asked.

" Remember what I had told you? About the girl and the sign and how she disappeared? Well after we had past it I followed you to the edge and ended up here, you were gone and there was no sign of people anywhere until I reached the diner. There was a girl sitting there she was 15 with blond hair and a blue dress. She told me to leave and run away as fast as I could. She said the dark ones were arriving. She said that I needed to wait for you to come then leave. She warned me of the shadow people and the dark voices. We need to go hurry!" Ben explained and grabbed my hand my stomach did a back flip and I held on tight. We ran and ran until we reached the diner. We stopped dead.

" What's wrong...? Ben..?" I asked trembling. Ben turned around eyes wide and then smirked a look I had never seen before. " Ben?...." I asked.

" Ben isn't here anymore... Ben was evil, Ben is evil. You shouldn't go sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.. or your bones will end up in the river.." A demonic voice spoke.

" No, what have you done with him!? Ben!!" I screamed.

" Ben isn't here don't you listen Maddison Turner?" The voice spoke almost in a whisper now. My hands shaking and all I could think to do was run away back into the forest but I couldn't move it was like my legs were stuck.

" Maddison you silly girl, you realize that you're now stuck here. For eternity! You did as the previous girl. You wonder why no one enters the forest. Because the secrets of Salem will haunt you for the rest of your miserable life in this other world. Bet you didn't know the town mayor murdered 3 teenage girls? Bet you didn't know. The fantasy trail you took was all in your mind as well, people of the town thought you were crazy for talking to your self but you imagined it all.. we got inside your mind. But the biggest secret of Salem is..." the demon started saying. My hands were shaking I felt like throwing up I wasn't ready to hear this.

" You don't know how many people have died and lived in this town. Secrets that no one would ever believe." He said. Then out of no where people appeared out of thin air, my mom, all the kids from the school, our neighbors they looked dead.. eye's black, bodies white, and skinny.

" But the biggest secret of this Maddison was that this was what Salem was 50 years ago.. the land of the dead, witch craft and owner of the devil himself. Until you came along, we killed off the other girl. This was Salem 50 years ago and no one knew, now we have to kill you off as well for knowing the secret." He spoke. I couldn't stop shaking the only thing I could think to do was run. Tears streaming down my face, wishing I was home and how could Ben lie to me like that. I fell for him and he lied to me! I kept running no matter what, I heard the foot steps of the monstrous demons behind me. Breathing down my neck and touching my legs and I ran faster and faster. One grabbed my foot I turned to look at the mangled face. I couldn't breathe all I felt was coldness. Everything went black.

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