"All you cared for was her blanket of lust,
All you wanted was her throat.
All you wanted was her chest pressed against your own.
You're everything I've come to loathe, you're everything I've come to loathe..."
I started to dance around and flip my hair around everywhere. I smiled like a looney at the crowd. The cold air stung my lungs, sweat forming everywhere.
This is what I live to do.
I jumped around some more and my hair become this crazy mess and my heart felt loose.
"Lonely hell, burdened heaven,
You didn't belong to her lifeless mouth.
The distant numbers kept you apart
You knew you weren't allowed."

My head starting to ache, I was out of breath, my ears were flooded with screams, but I loved it. It was my dream ever since I was 13 years old.

"All you cared for was her blanket of lust,
All you wanted was her throat.
All you wanted was her chest pressed against your own.
You're everything I've come to loathe, you're everything I've come to loathe..."

And then Jordan began his kick ass solo, and I frailed around and closed my eyes, enjoying this beautiful moment.

"You better apologize you sick bastard,
You could care less about her misery
You know it could of lasted.
You, you, you need to turn around and love her!

All you cared for was her blanket of lust,
All you wanted was her throat.
All you wanted was her chest pressed against your own.
You're everything I've come to loathe, you're everything I've come to loathe..."

And then the song ended, and the crowd screamed and went wild for us.
I looked at my bandmates and smiled, Donny gave me a proud smile, Jordan a shy smile, and Corey...a seductive smile.
It feel right.

"How you feelin' tonight, my friends?!" I yelled.
The crowd roared again.
"I'm feeling good I don't know about you guys,"
And they screamed again.

"Fuck yes!"

We sang some more singles from Murder, and to finish it off, we decided to end with "All My Love"' by Led Zeppelin.

"So do you guys like Zeppelin at all?" I asked the crowd, and they yelled back with huge force.

I looked at the boys, and we began.
When the song was over, I blew kisses at the crowd and yelled "I love you" at them.

"You guys ready for Pearl Jam?! I lovvee Pearl Jam, like, reallyyyy love Pearl Jam." So after more screams and roars we left, feeling absolutely exhausted.
I found Eddie getting ready, jumping up and down, preparing.
And then he spotted me. His energetic self ran towards me and embraced me in a huge and loving hug.
"Oh fuck, you did absolutely amazing!"
I felt overwhelming happiness. I could feel his heart beat and it made me feel safe.

started to cry.
He held my face so I could see his eyes and he asked, "what's wrong?" with genuine concern.

My heart screamed, I secretly love you but don't really know it yet please protect me from that asshole and we can make music together and have weird ass little kids running around and maybe a pet goat what do you say?!!

But all I said was, "Just overwhelmed. But don't worry, I'm happy." I smiled and he just stared at me, studying my face.

And then it was his turn to perform.
He hugged me again and then scurried onto the stage like a flying squirrel.

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