"Ass---... jerk. Riley already told me," she explained, rolling her eyes.

Katherine looked on questioningly. "Told you what?"

Jay, Ashley, and Riley replied simultaneously, "Nothing."

Ashley crossed her arms. "He looks short next to Riley, anyway."

...Our heights are compatible., Eran tried turning negative thoughts into positive ones.

Sam then asked, "Were you all planning on doing something? It might be weird to eat with parents, but we've got a feast set up at home."

Jay grinned. "Riley, you should come."

Elias took a step away. "I'm going home."

Jay grabbed his arm. "No way! You're coming too."

"I'm completely unrelated."

Sam assured, "You're all welcome."

Riley shrugged. "Sure."

Eran glanced at Riley. "If Riley is going..."

"Mom, Dad, Elias is going to tutor me."

Elias's look of shock was genuine. "I never agreed to that."

Jay scowled with annoyance. "Why are you so honest?"

Elias returned the look with much less intensity. "Why are you so dishonest?"

"Ah, Riley," Sam mentioned once they entered the Stacks' home

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"Ah, Riley," Sam mentioned once they entered the Stacks' home. "Can you start working next week? Summer is a busier time for the store. It's when families and college students make their moves, you know."

"Sure." He followed everyone into the dining room.

"I'll work too," Jay told his dad as he passed them to help his mom finish setting up.

Eran tried to hide his displeasure. They'd narrowly avoided an argument about Riley working. It started with Riley saying he wanted a motorcycle. Of course Eran's reply was, "No way."

"Then let me get a full-time job so I can buy a car," Riley had offered. Eran rejected that idea as well.

"Well what am I supposed to do?" He told Riley to take public transportation, as his college was on the opposite side of the town from Eran's. "Then take it with me. We can split up half way. It's eco-friendly too, right?" Eran refused to which Riley called him a snob and that was the end of that.

Eran just hoped Riley would stop working once school started like they'd agreed.

The Stacks's doorbell rang.

"Who is that?" Ashley asked.

Sam went to get the door as Katherine and Jay continued doing what they were doing with looks of disinterest.

The front door closed and Eran noticed the sound of an additional pair of footsteps. When he looked up, Sam walked in with Riley's dad.

Riley, who was standing beside Jay, gnawing on a carrot stick, froze.

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