A Dangerous Affair Chapter 77

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Tom’s eyes flew open and his first instinct was to go for his gun; he could hear breathing in his ear. He went to move his hand but stopped himself just in time as he realised who the breathing was coming from and the events of the night before came flooding back to him. Not only that but the hand that he thought was lying on a pillow was in fact doing no such thing. It was lying on more of a fleshy pillow, Stephie’s behind! He chuckled to himself. Even in his drunken sleep his instincts weren’t off! He was itching to move his hand and feel more of the soft fleshy curves but he was afraid of waking her up and much to his regret he hadn’t even really appreciated the fact that she had been lying against him in only her underwear before he had fallen asleep. The problem now was how to lift the bedclothes to make the most of the opportunity and take a peek when either he’d have to move his hand from her behind or roll over to free his second hand? The decision was a tough one so he dipped his head and tried to nose the covers up rather than having to relinquish his hand or risk waking her by turning over.

“What are you doing?”

Tom jumped guiltily and his head shot up. “Morning Stephie,” he grinned.

She lifted her head slightly and her eyes moved slowly down the sheet to where his hand was lying underneath it before returning to his face.

“Would you mind removing your hand Tom?”

“Well, actually it’s quite happy where it is,” he grinned.

“Hmm, I bet it is,” she said, rolling away onto her side and tucking the sheet around her.

“Feeling jittery Stephie?” he asked, watching her.

She closed her eyes, trying to block out the pain in her head not to mention the embarrassment of the night before.

“Do you remember much of last night?” he asked.

She groaned. “Unfortunately yes. It’s all coming back to me in startling clarity!”

He laughed. “So you don’t need me to recap for you then?”

“No thank you Tom but you could get me a glass of water. A large one,” she stressed.

He stared at her, contemplating her request. “Sure but first I have to make good on a promise I made to you last night.” If he left the room now she’d jump out of bed and would be changed before he came back.


“Yeah, I was pretty gutted having to play the gentleman, especially considering how enthusiastic you were...” She groaned again and pulled the sheet over her face. He laughed. “...so I promised to at least try to get you naked this morning.”

His hand began to move towards her under the sheet. She panicked and sat up suddenly, causing a pain to shoot through her head. She held the sheet against her with one hand whilst holding her throbbing head with the other.

“I’m sure I can trust you to be a gentleman this morning can’t I Tom?” she asked, closing her eyes to try to stop the spinning.

“Err, no I don’t think so. I was enough of a gentleman last night to last a lifetime,” he said, sitting up and tugging at the sheet that she was holding.

Her eyes flew open and she held on tightly, edging backwards. He shuffled towards her and she wriggled further down the bed. He stopped and narrowed his eyes at her, considering his next move. He tugged on the sheet again, gathering the slack in his hands. Her eyes widened, how far was he going to go? Slowly the sheet began to stretch between them and she could feel a whoosh of air underneath it.

“Tom?” There was a note of warning in her voice.

He smiled, not at all put off. “Yes.”

“You can’t be serious.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2011 ⏰

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