A Dangerous Affair Chapter 40

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When Stephanie and Tom walked into Brick’s office, Brick looked them up and down with a frown. Stephanie feared for a moment that he’d noticed they’d changed their clothes, but he didn’t mention anything. They told him about their suspicions concerning Hugh and Benton, and although he was anxious about the thought of having to confront corruption within the police force, he was pleased and impressed with the work they’d done. He had to admit that they worked extremely well together, in fact better together than they had done alone. He’d observed them at work in the office and he’d never seen either of them so animated. He’d also noticed a chemistry between them which had worried him at first. Stephanie had never shown an interest in anyone within the company before, she had always been too focused on her work, and he hadn’t thought that Tom was a good person to start with. Nevertheless, he had begun to think that maybe Tom had finally met his match in Stephanie, and his dedication to the story and determination to protect her was admirable.

As they were trying to speak to Brick, the other journalists began shouting and laughing in the office area outside. Brick ignored it the first time, but after a while it began to infuriate him, particularly considering how serious the situation had now become with the Carlton story. Brick eventually lost his patience and stormed out of his office, bellowing out loudly and bringing everyone to silence.

Tom and Stephanie followed him, but just as Stephanie reached his office doorway the mobile phone in her bag rang. She fished it out and checked to see who the caller was. It was her father. What was he doing phoning her at that time? She sighed and decided to take the phone call out of the office, slipping into the corridor before answering the call.

In the office, Brick was reprimanding the reporters for not taking their jobs seriously.

“If anyone here thinks that they are indispensable and can waste company time, they can come and see me, because I’ll have their P45’s ready for them,” he warned. He was faced with a sea of shocked expressions as he glanced around the room. “Well, go on then! Get some bloody work done,” he said, turning to go back into his office, but having to skirt around a pile of newspapers and a large boxed parcel that had been left on the floor. He turned back to them with renewed fury. “What the bloody hell is this lot?” He pointed to the items on the floor.

Barker, one of the reporters, spoke up. “Apologies Sir, we’ll get those moved. It’s just the day’s delivery.”

Brick frowned. “What’s in the box? I don’t remember authorising anything other than the papers. Do you think you lot might have the decency to inform me of any other deliveries in the future!” he said with annoyance, striding back into his office and slamming the door.

Tom looked at Barker. “Who ordered this?”

Barker shrugged and gestured for Robert and another trainee to move the items. When Robert bent to pick up the box however Tom stopped him and picked it up himself, swiftly carrying it into Brick’s office. When he entered, Brick growled at him angrily.

“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking Tom?”

Tom failed to reply but placed the box carefully onto Brick’s desk and opened it, peering inside.

“Tom, what are you doing?” Brick asked, bewildered by his actions.

Tom’s head shot up suddenly. “We’ve got to get everyone out!” he said, bolting into the office and breaking the glass on the fire alarm box.

Brick stood at the door while everyone rushed out of the office with confused expressions.

He shouted to Tom over the noise, “Get everyone far away from the building.”

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