A Dangerous Affair Chapter 65

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Leah was right, Tom was bound to make some kind of comment when he saw her and so as she emerged from the ladies room she decided to adopt the confident ‘I always dress like this in my spare time’ kind of attitude. Leah had said to Stephanie that she would see her in the pub and she rushed off, leaving Stephanie standing outside the office door with butterflies in her stomach. She took in a deep breath and opened the door.

Tom was leaning against Stephanie’s desk, waiting impatiently for the girls to stop fussing so that they could get to the pub. When the door opened however he did a double take and jumped clumsily away from the desk whilst for a split second his brain struggled to work out who was striding towards him. He blinked his eyes a few times as if they were deceiving him and then continued to simply stare at her open mouthed as she approached. Suddenly his hormones were running riot at the sight of her but the strange thing was that he’d probably seen more of her that afternoon through that flimsy blouse of hers. And yet this outfit was somehow a million times more sexy because what he’d not seen before was every curve of her body so seductively outlined.

“Come on then, we had better go if we’re going to get a gift for Bob on the way,” Stephanie said casually, leaning past Tom to grab her handbag from off the desk. Tom took a few moments to react as the scent of her perfume hit him and he caught sight of the smooth skin of her shoulders and neck in the off the shoulder top as she bent forward.

“Wait a minute, gift?” he frowned. “Ah come on Steph, what do we want to get him a gift for? Let’s just go straight to the pub.”

She hung her handbag on her shoulder and placed her hands on her hips in a domineering gesture. “It’s his birthday Tom, and we’re not turning up empty handed so that’s an end to it.”

Tom’s eyes travelled up and down Stephanie’s body as she stood there and suddenly he grinned.

“Okay you win…”

She nodded, apparently satisfied, and turned on her heel to leave.

“…anything you say… Stephie…my little sex kitten,” he called out, drooling after her.

Tom made a quick detour from the pub, which was actually within walking distance from the office, to find the gadget type shop on the High Street that he’d seen in passing before. He pulled up outside the shop and they ran inside. Scanning the shelves, he picked up the first thing that he could get his hands on, eager to get out of there and get to the pub.

“Okay, this looks good. Now let’s go,” he said, heading for the till.

Stephanie halted him with a hand on his chest. “Hold on a minute,” she reached out her hand. “Let me see that.” He held up the object and she looked at him in disbelief.

“A filofax! You can’t buy him that!”

He looked at it and shrugged. “Why not?”

She rolled her eyes. “Because he’s not a filofax kind of person and because it’s the most boring present you could have chosen!”

He groaned. “What then?”

“Look for something that you would like to receive. You have to admit that you wouldn’t be too impressed with a bloody filofax!”

She had a point. He placed the filofax back and they both looked more carefully for a gift. Tom actually began to enjoy testing out the gadgets and considering if Bob would even be able to use them or not!

“Stephie,” Tom called her over to him, “I’ve got it,” he grinned. “It’s perfect.” He held up some kind of drinking hat which had a beer bottle holder on the top and a tube which ran to reach the wearer’s mouth, dispensing the beer.

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