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A - Azurill
Calem and Serena were walking through the woods, and they found a poor Azurill crying. Serena walked over to it and kneeled down to it's size. "Are you lost?" She asked. Calem watched her help out the Azurill, and thought she was extremely adorable while she did it.

B - Blue
Serena thinks that blue looks the best on Calem, but she doesn't really care what color he wears- in her eyes, he's the cutest guy in the world.

C - Carrots
Calem's least favorite food is carrots. Sometimes when Serena is baking her famous macarons, she'll sneak in some shredded carrots in the recipe. When Calem eats them, he seems to notice the taste of carrots in them, but Serena is somehow able to make than taste good to him.

D - Dark
Calem and Serena are on a trip to catch some rock Pokémon in the cave. As they are walking through the cave, the tunnels get darker and darker. "I-I h-hate the d-dark," Serena stutters, clinging onto Calem's right arm. They walked together as Calem wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay. I'll protect you."

E - Everlasting
When Serena and Calem were hanging out at the café, Serena took out a sharpie pen and drew and infinity sign on Calem's left hand. Calem did the same to Serena's free hand. "Forever?" She asked. "Forever," he responded, as their fingers weaved together, and they held hands.

F - Fights
"Isn't Drew such a talented coordinator?" Serena asked, as they watched the Hoenn Contest. Calem felt a pit of jealousy in his stomach. "I think he's kinda dumb," he answered. "Have you seen him train, though? He has the best strategies!" She gushed. Calem stomped out of the room, and Serena ran after him. "I'm sorry Calem..." She said, rubbing her fingers through his silky, black hair. "I'm sorry too. I should've been aware you were just fangirling. I think I just felt jealous that you were complimenting another guy, but you have every right to do that, as long as it doesn't go overboard." Serena gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, Calem."

G - Goody Two Shoes

"Why do you like, have to tattle on everyone?" The bully said, pushing the poor, shy, five-year-old Calem away from her. Young Serena heard this and was heading over towards the fight. "I... I-" Calem stuttered. "You little wimp! You can't even answer me! Your such a goody two shoes!" The girl kicked him in the stomach, and Calem winced in pain. "Stop it!" Serena shouted at the bully, standing in front of Calem and spreading her arms out like a human shield. "He did nothing wrong. He told on you because you're being a jerk." The bully just put her hands on her hips and glared at the young brunette. "And what're you gonna do about it?" She asked, her face inches from Serena's. Serena clenched one of her fist. "This," she whispered as she punched the girl in the nose.
That's what you get for messing with MY Calem.

H - Hope
Calem left to go to the Unova league, and Serena hopes that he comes back safely.

I - Introvert
Calem likes to spend time alone, unless he's with Serena. He will do anything for some time with her.

J - Jokes
The only person who can make Calem laugh by her jokes is Serena, even though her jokes aren't all that funny.

K - Kind
Serena and Calem are so kind to their Pokémon that any Pokémon would want them as trainers.

L - Love
They love everything about each other. Whenever they think about each other, all they can think is: Love. Love. Love.

M - Marigolds
When Serena and Calem were in the meadows, they picked Marigolds and put them in bouquets. Later on, they would give them to their parents, and keep the one that they got from the other.

N - Natalie
A pregnant Serena was walking out of the hospital with her husband Calem, after finding out that she was to give birth to a baby girl in a few months. "What should we name her?" He asked. "I like the name Natalie."

O - Open
Serena and Calem talk very openly to each other. They talk more openly to no one else.

P - Privacy
Serena and Calem like their private time once in a while. Not in THAT way you perverted minds, but just time to spend with each other, and maybe cuddle on the couch and watch movies.

Q - Quizzes
I don't know why, but Serena likes to play quiz games with Calem when she's bored. He got used to it, though.

R - Rock n' Roll
They both HATE rock and roll music. One time they had to go to a rock and roll concert with their families, and TRUST me they did NOT come home happy. The only good thing was that they got to hang out during the concert and converse about how much they hated the music.

S - Stars
They sometimes like to lay on the grass, hold hands, and look for constellation in the night sky.

T - Tierno
They liked to complain about how weird and awkward that kid was. You also may not know this but he was a HUGE pervert.

U - Ursaring
For Serena's birthday, Calem gave her an Ursaring he caught for her when he was training in Sinnoh.

V - Vines
When they were in the Unova region on vacation, there was a Safari Zone that they visited. They swung on vines and they held onto each other while it was swinging across the swamp.

W - Water
Serena taught Calem how to swim one day, because they were at the beach and splashing around in the water. Calem almost drowned when they got too deep, but luckily Serena was a talented swimmer and saved him from drowning. Next time they went, Calem was too scared to go in the water, but Serena offered to teach him how to swim. Now he teaches Pokémon that aren't water types swimming in his free time.

X - Xerneas
Serena held Calem's hand tightly as they walked through the forest. "Are you sure that Xerneas is here?" Serena asked nervously. "Of course. I did some research on this, and it said that she should be right around-" Sure enough, we had found a black, white and blue gazelle with majestic and colorful horns. "Hello," it greeted in a motherly voice.

Y - Yes
They walked across the beautiful beach, hand in hand. Calem's been acting a little off today. I hope he's okay. Serena thought. He stopped and so did Serena. Blushing, with one hand behind his back, he said, "Serena, I need to talk to you." She was kind of confused but asked, "What is it?" He smiled. "Serena, I love you with all my heart. Ever since the first day we met, long ago, I've loved you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up every morning and see your smile. So, Serena..." He got down on one knee and took a box from his hidden hand, opening it and revealing a beautiful ring inside. Serena could feel tears of joy stream down her face. "Will you marry me?" He asked, as Serena jumped over to hug him, and gave him a long sweet kiss. As soon as their lips parted, they touched noses. "Well?" He whispered, Serena feeling his warm breath against her own. "Yes."

Z - Zero
There are zero doubts in the world that those two are in love.

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