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A - Apple
Silver and Gold like to eat apples on the beach. Just a random fact.

B - Banjo
Gold will always cover Silver's ears whenever someone plays the banjo, because Gold knows how much Silver hates the sound of them.

C - Cooking
Silver always cooks for Gold his favorite foods.

D - Dance
The only person Silver would ever dance in front of is Gold.

E - Everything
To Gold, Silver is his everything, and to Silver, Gold is his everything.

F - Fear
Gold is the only one who knows Silver's fears. And whenever one of them is in fear, the other one will protect them.

G - Gay
"Ha! Gayyyyy!" The teenagers tease. Silver just leans in and gives his boyfriend Gold a passionate kiss, smirks deviously, and walks off like a badass along with his golden-eyed lover.

H - Happy
Their presence always makes the other fill with joy.

I - Intelligence
"I'm so stupid!" Gold cries, showing Silver his test, with a large F on it. Silver strokes Gold's soft, jet-black hair, and wraps an arm around him. "You're the smartest person I know, Gold. Don't say things like that."

J - Jerk
Gold is sobbing in the corner when Silver goes up to him to see what's wrong. "What's the matter, Gold?" He asks with lots of concern and sorrow in his voice. "W- Well, the kids w - were calling you a fag, and I tried to stand up f- for you, but they just kicked me out - l-literally," Gold explained. Silver clenched his fist. "I don't care if they insulted me, but NOONE MESSES WITH MY GOLDIE! I'm gonna give those FUCKING JERKS a piece of my mind!"

K - Killings
Silver and Gold were cuddled up on the couch watching the news, when a news flash about Pokémon abuse came on. The people were saying that many people have been killing their Pokémon. "So... Much... Animal abuse..." Silver said, tears running down his cheeks. This was one of the fears Gold knew about. Gold wrapped his arms around Silver and pulled him into a tight hug. "It's okay, Silvy..." He comforted him.

L - Lemonade
When Silver and Gold were little, they would set up a Lemonade Stand together and sell lemonade for 25 cents.

M - Mother
"I wish I knew who my mom was..." Silver whispered, trying to remember his mother, since he hated his father so much. "I know, Silv. My dad died when I was just a little baby, so I don't even remember him." Silver leaned his head on Gold's shoulder, and Gold kissed his bright red hair. "Thanks, Gold. I'm glad that someone understands me."

N - Nightmare
Silver was rolling around in his bed restlessly, and awoke Gold in worry. Gold walked over to Silver's sleepless body, and shook him awake. "Bad dream?" Gold asked. "Y-Yeah," Silver shivered with fear. "It's okay. It was just a dream."

O - Oatmeal
Silver knows never to cook or eat oatmeal around Gold, since Gold is allergic to it.

P - Pine Tree
Gold and Silver planted a pine tree the day they confessed their love to each other, and it's been growing there ever since.

Q - Quack
They have an inside joke, and whenever they see Lyra they quack, impersonating her as a duck.

R - Raspberries
Whenever Gold eats raspberries, he gets red all over his lips, which makes Silver giggle.

S - Summer
During the summer, Silver and Gold will travel to different regions together.

T - Time
They always find time in their (surprisingly rather busy) schedule to see each other.

U - Umbreon
Umbreon is Silver's favorite Eeveeloution,
and Gold says it's because Umbreon has gold on it.

V - Vibrant
Gold is very into vibrant colors, which reflects on his personality, and Silver loves duller colors, which also can be put into his personality. Well, opposites attract.

W - Walnut
Walnuts are Gold's favorite food, but Silver strongly despises them.

X - Xenoblade
Gold and Silver always like to play Xenoblade Chronicles on their Wii.

Y - Yo-yo
Gold taught Silver how to use a yoyo and many other fun toys.

Z - Zoo
They will sometimes go to the zoo on weekends. Their favorite parts are the Mankeys and the Donphans.

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