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It's 7 o'clock in the evening and not many people were out. There were people going to and from work, people coming home from a big day out and people going, who knows where. Most people were happy or excited, well except those going to work, they were grouchy and tired. One car however was not happy or excited or grouchy or anything similar; they were scared.

In the front of the car sat a young couple - the women was in her late 20's and the man was in his early 30's - and in the back was a beautiful baby girl no older than a couple of months. The couple had packed up most of their life and were trying to leave not only town but their past!

They were so close to the airport to leave the country, to a new life, to freedom, when all of a sudden, something jumped out in front of the car. The car swerved before crashing into a nearby tree. The man was critically injured but the women and the baby were fine.

Slowly the women tried to open her door but it wouldn't budge. She pushed and punched, but nothing seemed to work. She thought for a minute then turned round to the baby. She had to safe her child. Carefully she twisted herself to climb to the back of the car to her daughter, that's when she felt the pain in her leg. Her leg was caught under the dashboard and she was stuck. She realised that if her child was to be safe, they couldn't be together. Quickly she opened the glove compartment, took the phone from inside it and called someone.

Once she hung up the phone she grabbed a blanket that she was using before the crash and wrapped it around her hand and arm. When her arm was fully covered she smashed open the window and screamed for help. She screamed and screamed for what seemed like hours until a man heard her.

The women asked the man to take her baby, get her as far away as possible and keep her safe. The man nodded, opened the car door and reached in for the child. He let the women give the baby a kiss and a cuddle before getting back into his car and driving away, leaving the couple alone.

The man did as he was told. He left town and got far away. When he thought he was safe enough he entered the social workers and said he found the baby alone at some rubbish bins outside a café. The baby was taken away and the man was asked a few questions. It wasn't long before the questions were done and he left. The baby was then put into foster care in case the parents wanted her back –no one knew her parents were now dead- and the baby was put into a room with other babies for the night.

So there lay a baby girl that parents died for her, that was put into foster care to keep her safe from the powerful secret that she wouldn't know or understand until she was older. That baby that lay silent in a strange cot, in a strange room, felt safe, loved and confused.

That baby was me and this is my story.

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora