"What the hell Blake, could you just stop following me around? I see enough of you everyday," I sighed and everyone gasped.

"She did not just say what I think she just said," Stacy squealed.

"Oh yeah she did girl," Beverly nodded.

I just rolled my eyes and resumed eating.

"Hayley, you're going to get up and leave this table. From now on you're eating with me," Blake growled and all I did was raise my brow.

"Good joke," I nodded. I didn't have to turn around to know that his face had gone red with anger.

"Dude, just leave the girl alone," Brian frowned and once again everybody gasped.

"He did not just say what I think he just said," Stacy repeated.

"Oh yeah he did girl," Beverly nodded again.

"Excuse me?" Blake's voice rose.

"You heard me," Brian retorted. Blake's hands curled into fists and I knew that if Brian said another word, he would get punched.

"Enough!" I stood up in anger, "I'm not going to sit with either of you!"


"Just shut up Blake and leave me alone," I took the paper bag which held my apple crumble and walked out of the cafeteria. Screw those boys and school, I'm going to go see Mia. I rode out of the parking lot and on my way to her school, I stopped at the grocery shop to buy a pop tart.

When I parked my bike, I saw a bunch of kids playing around the small area and Mia was one of them. It must have been recess. From what I could see, they were playing cat and mouse.

"Mia!" I called out and she stopped running. Her head whipped back in my direction.

"Pig!" She grinned and ran over to me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your game," I sighed and slumped down against the fencing which prevented me from hugging her.

"Are you okay, Pig?" She cocked her head questioningly.

"Yeah, no, maybe...I don't know, here's a poptart," I grimaced. I felt like I was the ten year old girl and she was the eldest sister by the way she was staring at me.

"Thanks and I'm guessing it has to do with Blake," she smiled secretively. I blinked hard. When did she become so wise?

"How did you know?" I asked in a resigned tone.

"It's always about him," She giggled and took a bite out of the poptart.

"I don't know he's so frustrating!" I threw my arms out in an exasperated manner. 

"Look sis," My head shot up- she just called me sis and not pig so this must be serious, "I'm going to be frank and I think that he's he best thing that has happened to you uptil now,"

It took me some time to register what she had just said because I was still stuck on the fact that she had called me sis and not pig.

"What?" I gasped. She did not just say that.

"I'm serious,"

"That is definitely not the case, in fact it's the contrary! He's absurdly immature and annoying- not to mention that he keeps following and spying on me like I was some kind of child! I'm 17 for god's sake-nearly an adult," I scowled.

"Yeah, but he's always acting nice with you, he gave us a place to stay and gave us food, so from my point of view I would say that he worries and cares about you and that's why he seems to have a protective nature. He's a nice guy and I don't think that you're returning his kindness by shouting and punching him every time you see him so put on your big girl panties and go apologize," She cleared her throat and nonchalantly took another bite of her poptart.

I stared. That was all I could do.

"Are you my ten year-old sister or did someone take possession of her?" I muttered.

"Oh don't worry, I'm truly Mia and now I advise you to go walk a bit to clear your head and think," She smiled.

"T-that's a good i-idea," I stuttered, still stunned.

"Okay! Thanks Pig for the poptart, I'm going to go play!" And just like that, she skipped off with a big grin on her face like a normal little girl would do. But she wasn't like a normal ten year-old inside. The events in her whole life had made sure of that. Still in a daze, I stood up and swung my foot over my bike. I needed to go take a walk and think just like she had said. I drove to a small park found in a secluded part of town.

I slumped down onto the swing. Mia was right in every way and I was wrong. How could that be possible? Now that I thought about it, Blake had been nice all along while I thought that he was just plain annoying, stubborn and bossy. Well yeah, he did force me to leave my apartment but that was because the place and condition I had been living in had been awful. And he did offer me food and comfort.

Oh my god, how could I have not seen or even acknowledged all that he had done for me?

Shit, I need to apologize. 

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