Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

                                                                  >Sara P.O.V.<

The police had finally arrived Jake was still shaking. I walked over to him trying to get him to calm him down but he just pushed me away and walked out of the room. I looked at David for an answer to what was wrong but he looked as confused as me. I went to follow Jake but I felt a hand pull me back. David was pulling me towards some police men. They asked me questions and said my father will be getting fiifty years to life in prison. I was happy to hear this but more worried about Jake. After I was down talking to the officers I went in search of Jake, ho was he taking all of this happening to him so soon?

                                                                  >Jake P.O.V.<

I was still shaking as I thought on how I left my sister to deal with that for several years. I am a failure as a brother. I felt Sara approaching but didn't make a move to leave.  "What's wrong Jake?" Sara says a distance away. How do I tell her. I can't seem to do anything right when it comes to her.

"I am a failure as your brother. I failed you Sara don't you see it. I should have been there for you and I wasn't." I said sadly. She stiffened up then walked up to me with a determined look on her face and slapped me. She just slapped me! I held my cheek with my left hand and looked at her surprised.  "What was that for!" I yelled at her acuseingly

"You are not a failure you get that? I didn't kill myself because of you and of course David. But you listen you are the best brother in the world."  She yelled right back at me.

" Ok sis.." I said feeling a little better. Does she really mean it though?

                                                                    >Austin P.O.V.<

She kissed me! She forgave me! I was so happy I could jump. I had to find her a kiss her properly. I went in search and found her yelling at her brother. There was a knock at the back door so I turned to open it when I turned the knob and saw a boy about seventeen at the door. He looked anxious, when he spotted Sara he quickly made a bee line fore her. She jumped up in delight. She jumped on him and started kissing him all over on his face, Jake looked happy too. Who was this guy and why was my mate all over him!?  "Cody! What are you doing here?! I thought you moved." Sara yelled in delight. David must of heard the commotion and barged into the room. David spotted Cody and hooted in happiness then tackled him and the started wrestling on the floor, even Jake and Sara joined. I was standing there feeling awkward, After about ten minutes of countless hours of them playing they all stopped and started laughing while still on the ground. I stood there waiting for them to all calm down, I was a little jealous that Sara looked so happy to see him and was kissing him all over his face. I heard a voice clearing and found that I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed them all looking at me. Cody was glaring for what I didn't know. I looked at Sara and she was on his back. I held back a growl not wanting to get on anyones bad side...yet..

"You must be the famous Austin." Cody said, I gave him a confused expression.

"Uh. ok? I didnt know I was famous." I replied trying to not smile. I looked at David and gave him a 'WTF' look. He smiled, and I no that he knew what was going on, he just wouldnt tell me.

"You were the one who was an asshole to my little girl" sneered Cody.

"HEY I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL ANYMORE. AND YOU DONT GET TO CALL ME THAT!." screamed Sara hitting Cody on the back of his head. David and Jake bursting out laughing.

Cody flipped Sara over and spinned her around, running into the other room and dropping her on the bed and started tickling her. Jake and David followed so I followed them while communicating to David.

"Who is Cody? Why is he calling Sara his little girl? AND WHY IS HE TOUCHING MY MATE!" I screamed in Davids head. I saw him wince but didnt care. Everyone stopped laughing. Cody was shaking along with Jake and Sara was just glaring at me, like they knew what I was saying to them.

"Sara he needs to know about you three. Cody IS her older brother but not as old as Jake. He is the middle child. Now stop screaming in my head they can all hear you any way!"

What they all could hear me?

                                                                 >Cody P.O.V.<

I showed up at my little sisters house and found the cops just leaving with my dad in the back of one of the police cars so naturally I did a little happy dance in my head then ran to see if Sara was ok. She was talking to Jake when she saw me and her face brightened up. She ran at me and started kissing me all over my face, I was so happy she wasn't mad at me. I saw Jake about to tackle me, I stepped to the side but David got me from behind. After fighting and tickling for about ten minutes, we calmed down. I noticed a man about my age standing there looking lost.

"You must be the famous Austin." I said hiding a sneer. He gave me a confused expression.

"Uh. ok? I didnt no I was famous." he said still looking confused but the making of a smirk on his face. He looked at david and game him a 'WTF' look, I could just smirk. This was gonna be good.

"You were the one who was an asshole to my little girl" I sneered. Why does he have to act like he doesn't no what I am talking about.

"HEY I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL ANYMORE. AND YOU DONT GET TO CALL ME THAT!" screamed my little sis Sara while hitting me on the back of the head. I heard Jake and David start to laugh. Then out of no where I heard screaming. It sounded like Austins voice, but his mouth wasnt moving till I realized it was in my head.

"Who is Cody? Why is he calling Sara his little girl? AND WHY IS HE TOUCHING MY MATE!"  he screamed in Davids head. I started shaking, along with Jake. Sara was glaring at him which I was glad about. I was about to pounce on him when I heard David talking.

"Sara he needs to no about you three. Cody IS her older brother but not as old as Jake. HE is the middle child. Now stop screaming in my head they can all hear you any way!" he screamed.

Wait he doesn't no about us? I looked towards david.

"He doesn'ty no about us?" I say to him then look at Sara. "Why doesn't he no? He is your mate, and he doesn't no about you being about to read minds? Why!?" Sara was looking at the ground.

"Well" I asked waiting for an answer. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

" I am sorry Cody. He was so mean to me and when I found out he was my mate. I didnt want him to know I knew because I wanted to see if he would change his ways.... I am truly sorry. I was going to tell him I promised. I swear...." She sobbed wiping her tears. I felt so bad. I went to take a step toward her when I heard a growl. I turned to look when I heard Sara gasp.


Sorry for taking a while to upload on any of my storys... so much is going on right now....Well I hope you liked it :)

P.S. Ok fixed the prob I think, thanks for pointin it out to me :)

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