Chapter 6

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It was still on the day after Warren said goodbye for the last time. Zara was tired, she didn't focus on her school studies that day. Even until the school ends.

"Oi, I'm gonna go back now! See ya!" Rosie smiled and waved to Lina and Zara

"Oh, wait! I need to go shopping for my brother, is the toy store on the street you're going?"

"Yes, it's this way. Wait, you have a brother, Lina? I never thought of you having one!"

"Well, I think I haven't told any of you. But, yes I do. He's 7 years old and he likes playing cars, so he asked me to buy him one."

"Seriously? He's so smart! I wanna meet him!"

"Okay, then. Zara, I'm sorry, but I gotta go with Rosie. See you tommorow!"

"Yeah, bye-bye Zara~!"

"Huh, what? Oh, yeah.. Bye." Zara was distracted by what happened yesterday. She kept thinking about it.

And suddenly, someone grabs her hand and runs with her.

"Wh- Gray! What are you doing?!"

"You have to train."


They ran into a quiet street. Gray makes a symbol just like Warren did with his fingers.


It was the exact same thing. A portal opens.

"I've heard this. It's called 'Nobles' Dimension', right?"

"That's right. Each nobles can open up to 1 portal. The portal you created will take you to your dimension that only you can control with your mind."

"I know that."

"Alright. Moving on. Get inside the portal."

Zara walks in to the portal along with Gray behind her.

"You'll train here. I'll tell you everything about nobles and their powers."


"As you know, nobles are similar to human but they are different. They have powers no human can ever have. Most nobles live in a place called Lukedonia. It is their true home. They are leaded by a Lord, but they're also leaded by their own clan leaders."

"Lord, huh?"

"The Lord is respected by all the clans, one of those clans are Kitana. Kitana control lightning and can create thunderstorms. They are also known by their speed. Second is Rontaru. Rontaru control earth and can create massive landslide. They are also known by their strength. The next clan is Valdria. They are not actually existed to fight, but they're specialized to heal themselves and others. The last is the Lakiera clan. They are the strongest and fastest clan from all clans. And that is why they are being hunted. They control fire. Which made them look fiercer than the others."

"That's a good thing, right?" Gray nods in response, Zara smirked and crossed her arms like she's showing off.

"Now you're going to make yourself comfortable with your powers." Gray walks away from Zara. Creating a huge space like an arena.

"Destroy the these monsters, try to use your powers."

After that heaps of large sized vicious creatures suddenly appeared.

"Well, this looks troubling.." Zara sighed.

The creatures moves towards Zara. Without thinking, she scratched one of the creatures. Her hands were like claws that's covered in flames, tearing and burning everything.

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