"Are we late?" Flare queried, leaned in to give the she cat a warm, friendly lick on her ear.

The she cat shook out her blood red fur. "A little." She grunted, gaze cold. "But it is okay."

"Stop being so moody." Strike grumbled from behind her as the she cat stepped towards the boulder.

She paused and shot Strike a hard glare, silencing him. Though they were siblings, she'd have no hesitation in turning him into one of her shadows.

The she cat bunched her muscles and sprung onto the top of the boulder. The beating of wings behind her told her that her three siblings were flying up. Lazy fox-hearts.

Upon their arrival atop the boulder, the Dark Forest cats swiveled their heads to look up at them. Looks of awe and amazement passed through the crowd, their eyes glued on Strike, Tyler and Flare. The she cat felt a flash of jealousy. She had been the only one born without wings.

Then, the whispers of her shadows quickly reminded her that she had an even greater gift. She could suck the souls right out of a cat's body and turn them into shadows that followed her every order.

Just as the she cat was about to begin the gathering, one of the cats below her squealed in awe to a cat beside her. "Their wings are amazing!" The little grey she cat thought that the powerful she cat atop the boulder couldn't hear her. Well, she's wrong.

And what a perfect opportunity to show my siblings that I am no longer weak.

The she cat raised her voice so that every cat could hear her. "Who dares to speak in the Sacred Clearing?" She decided to give the grey she cat a chance to confess on her own accord. She was willing to spare the cat's life if she showed loyalty and obedience.

Unfortunately for the grey she cat, she did not speak up. She only lowered her head in shame, trying not to look obvious.

The red furred she cat gracefully dropped to the ground, her paws barely making a sound as she stalked right up to the grey she cat. "Was it you, my dear?"

The grey she cat was already trembling and her breathes shaky as she raised her head to look up at her. "N-no.."

The she cat let out a soft sigh and raised her head to stare at all the gathered cats. "This cat has broken the laws of this clearing. Therefore she must pay the price." Her voice was smooth and clear, but dripped with venom.

The grey she cat was shaking even more, a tiny whimper escaping her mouth. "P-please n-n-no!"

"Shush, little cat. You're going to make a fine addition to my shadows." The she cat grinned softly before lunging forwards, pinning the trembling she cat beneath her. The grey cat squirmed and writhed and the she cat's joy only grew.

"It'll be over in a flash." The she cat purred before placing her front paw firmly on the squirming cat's chest. In a matter of seconds, the grey she cat stilled and a terrible wail escaped her as she let out her last breath. Then, a whisp of smoke rose up from the body, floating in the air.

The she cat smirked and clapped her front paws together, then she slowly parted her paws and a tiny glowing white portal opened. The whisp of smoke was attracted to the portal and quickly shot inside. The she cat immediately felt the new addition to her shadows. The feeling of added power made her skin crawl.

Though she loved taking in new shadows, it was terribly tiring. The she cat already felt the tiredness itching at her paws and threatening to make her topple over. She would have to cut the meeting short in order to get some rest.

But before leaping back onto the boulder, she shot her siblings a grin, feeling a pang of joy when she saw their horrified yet amazed expressions. She even heard Strike whisper, "Wow. NoName is even more powerful than before."

You are correct, brother. NoName grinned wider. I am more powerful.


I added my three OCs from Instagram :D I have tagged drawings of them for those of you who haven't seen them before. (Plez don't judge my art too much .-.)

I don't have any drawings of NoName yet but when I do, I'll tag it here.

Update: A drawing of NoName has been added in.

And yayyyyyy I've finished book 1! It was so exciting. I have a huge-ish plan for the series. The plan still has a few gaps but I think it's gonna be really awesome :DDDD

Book 2 is posted! It is Warriors: Troubled Tides #2

See you all later!

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