Chapter 17

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Stormstar's POV:

Stormstar jolted awake from the sound of a shocked yowl. He stumbled out of his nest, shaking sleep from his eyes. The moon still shone high in the sky, casting glowing rays of light into camp. In the darkness, Stormstar could make out the outlines of other cats as they peeked out from their dens to investigate the yowl.

Stormstar scanned his gaze around camp, tail flicking nervously. At first, he saw nothing. But then he saw a cat dash out of the elder's den with a mournful yowl.

Stormstar felt his fur bristle as he approached the cat. As he got closer, he saw it was Bluesnow. The young she cat had a horrified expression as she looked up at Stormstar. Her eyes were wide; so wide that Stormstar could see the white around her eyes. She opened her jaws to speak and her voice came out so quiet, Stormstar had to lean closer to listen.

"Clearlight is dead."


Nutwhisker's POV:

Nutwhisker was in a dream. He stood in an empty meadow. Dull coloured flowers surrounded him and no scents hung in the air. Nutwhisker took a few steps forwards, wondering why he was dreaming about this.

Is it a vision?

Nutwhisker grew lost in thoughts as he paced the empty meadow. He was so lost in his mind that he almost didn't notice a whisp of black smoke flitter in the edge of his vision.

He pricked his ears and looked over to where the smoke was, but he saw there was nothing. He stared at the spot a moment later before turning back to what was ahead of him.

As he was about to begin walking again, the whisp of smoke appeared again. This time it was in front of him, only a few tail-lengths away. Nutwhisker stepped towards the smoke hesitantly but it quickly whisked away at a fast pace, flittering further away.

Nutwhisker leapt after the whisp.

The night seemed to grow even darker and mist began forming in the air as Nutwhisker pelted after the whisp. He began to get closer to it and the whisp formed into the faint outline of a cat. The cat looked like it was made of shadows.

Nutwhisker called out, "Who are you?"

The shadow cat didn't answer. She only stopped in her tracks and doubled back to face Nutwhisker. The medicine cat froze in his tracks as well, fear creeping into his mind. Is this shadow cat dangerous?

The shadow cat creeped ever closer, her two glowing eyes bore into him. Nutwhisker stood completely still, his gaze stuck on the cat.

At last the she cat stopped moving closer and a bone-chilling voice echoed in Nutwhisker's head, making his head ache and his ears ring.

For now, my identity shall be kept a secret. But we will meet again quite soon, Nutwhisker.

Nutwhisker parted his jaws to reply but a sharp nudge on his shoulder jerked him awake from his dream. Disorientated, Nutwhisker let out a mew and scrambled out of his nest. His heart pounded in his chest and his fur was spiked up in fear.

Who is that cat? How does she know me?

"Nutwhisker? Are you alright? Did you have a nightmare?" Shinewing's voice cut through his thoughts. Nutwhisker jerked his head to face his apprentice and he took in a sharp intake of breath. "Nutwhisker?" She asked, worry creeping into her voice.

"I-I'm fine. Just a nightmare." Nutwhisker shook out his pelt and briskly headed past Shinewing.

"But-" She began to say, but Nutwhisker cut her off.

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