Chapter 16

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Silvershy's POV:

Silvershy sat firmly on the ground, her tail flicking slightly. She was assigned for guard duty for Clearlight that afternoon. Luckily, Eagleflight had been chosen as well so she had someone to chat with while they guarded the elders den.

She glanced at Eagleflight to see him hunched over with a bored expression. She tried to make conversation. "The sky is quite cloudy today. Do you think there will be a storm?"

Eagleflight tensed and straightened up abruptly, as if Silvershy had shaken him away from his thoughts. His eyes were still glazed from being so deep in thoughts but he quickly shook his head and looked up at Silvershy. "Huh?"

"There are a lot of clouds today." Silvershy repeated. "Do you think there'll be a storm?"

"Don't ask me, I'm not the weather cat." Eagleflight shrugged, his voice cold.

Silvershy didn't let his rude reply affect her. She could tell something was wrong so instead she leaned closer, "Eagleflight? Are you okay?"

"Fine." Eagleflight whispered and shuffled away, avoiding eye contact. "I'm fine." He repeated more firmly.

Silvershy tried again, "No you're not fine. Let me help you."

She saw Eagleflight's gaze meet her's for a heartbeat before he meowed voicelessly. "There's something in my head."

"W-What?" Silvershy narrowed her eyes. "What's in your head?"

"A voice." Eagleflight flattened his ears and his tail twitched. "A voice of a cat."

Silvershy pricked her ears. Was a Starclan cat trying to communicate with Eagleflight? Then, she felt a twinge in her own mind and she suddenly felt dizzy. She stumbled and fell against Eagleflight, who fell with her. The two ended up in a tangle of legs and tails until Silvershy finally broke free. She scrambled to her paws and shook her pelt.

Having fun?

Silvershy tensed, but she didn't panic. The voice was now in her head. She narrowed her eyes.

Who are you? Silvershy asked the cat.

Ah, young Silvershy has more sense than Eagleflight. He was too scared to talk to me. The cat meowed, completely ignoring her question.

Who are you? Silvershy demanded again.

You may know me from stories...

Silvershy growled aloud, "I need a little more information than that!"

Mm, you're a feisty little cat aren't you? Much like Silverstar before her leadership.

"I'm only feisty because you're annoying me." Silvershy hissed.

Short-tempered too. Yep, you're definitely an exact replica of Silverstar.

"Who are you talking to?" Eagleflight asked, but Silvershy shook her head dismissively at him and he went quiet.

Alright, alright. The cat chuckled. Here's a hint... Ever heard of the Fallen Star that fell into Lightclan's old camp?


Flamefur's POV:

"Duck, twist, bite." Greenstare ordered briskly as Flamefur tussled with a young Ravenclan apprentice.

Flamefur didn't know that other cats were trained by the Dark Forest as well. She had met the Ravenclan apprentice earlier that night and he had introduced himself as Pebblepaw.

The young tom had died at a young age. He had fallen into the sea at a gathering many moons ago during a bad storm. All it took was a single wave and he was violently pummelled into the sharp rocks at the edge of the cliff. His death arrived slowly. The first time the crashing waves flung his tiny body onto the rocks, his hind leg was impaled by a sharp bit of rock. He was still alive as more waves pummelled him and tugged him against the rocks. Eventually, his neck snapped when he hit another sharp rock, killing him instantly.

When he got to Starclan, the memories of the seemingly endless pain stayed and Pebblepaw isolated himself from the cats. Soon, he began using his Starclan abilities for bad. He sent terrible nightmares to his clanmates to make them feel the same pain he felt and he was quickly banished to the Dark Forest, where he thrived.

Pebblepaw growled at Flamefur, his sharp yellow teeth glinting in the darkness. Flamefur swiped at him but he dodged her claws and dived underneath her. He dug his claws into her belly and sank his teeth into her hind leg. She yowled and tore herself away, blood pouring from her wounds.

Greenstare's sharp mew made the two freeze. "Stop!"

Pebblepaw hissed, "Why? I was just about to shred her!"

Greenstare fixed the tiny apprentice with a glare, "You hurt Flamefur."

"I'm fine." Flamefur insisted, wanting to get back to the fighting. She couldn't wait to give Pebblepaw a taste of his own medicine.

Greenstare shook her head and forced Flamefur to sit down. "No you're not fine. Look at that wound."

Flamefur growled but looked down at her belly wound anyway. Blood poured heavily from the wound and she let out a surprised mew. After seeing the wound, the pain suddenly hit and she clenched her jaws. "Ow.." She muttered, her whole body searing with pain.

Pebblepaw snarled, "Weakling." Before stalking away, his long grey tail flicking into the undergrowth.

Greenstare sighed softly, a look of deep sadness in her eyes as she retrieved from cobwebs from a tree branch nearby. "Here." She carefully applied the cobwebs and Flamefur hissed in pain.

Flamefur stayed still as Greenstare treated her wound. "I thought Dark Forest cats don't treat wounds."

"I'm not like most Dark Forest cats." Greenstare replied softly.

"What? Were you a secret medicine cat?" Flamefur joked.

Greenstare didn't acknowledge Flamefur's joke. Her voice still stayed solemn. "No..."

"Then what makes you different?"

Greenstare sighed and raised her head to look at Flamefur. "Flamefur, you know this place is bad right?"

"Yes..." Flamefur shrugged. "But it's good training."

"Well I was put here for killing cats, as you might already know." Greenstare whispered. "But after being here for so many seasons, I have decided to try and right my many wrongs. Therefore, I have promised myself to help you become the best warrior ever. Hopefully Starclan may forgive me."

Flamefur was about to reply when a shocked voice sounded behind her. "Flamefur?!"

She spun around to see Fluffystream. The elder was standing behind her, a shocked expression on his face. "Fluffystream?! You train here too?" She gasped.

"I used to." Fluffystream hissed, sending a glare at Greenstare. "Greetings Greenstare."

"Fluffystream.." Greenstare whispered, her eyes sad. "I remember when you were only a young kit... I'm so sorry."

Fluffystream frowned but didn't answer. He just looked back at Flamefur, "You should leave this place. It's bad."

"But Greenstare isn't bad." Flamefur meowed defensively.

"How would you know? She's evil!" Fluffystream snarled.

"No she's not! Not anymore!" Flamefur hissed. "You may know the old Greenstare but I know the new one!"

Fluffystream hissed but began stalking away. "Fine, but don't come crying to me when you end up being betrayed!"


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