I Fell For My Nerd Ep 7

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~Home With Ross~

Ross:*walks in the house and goes straight up to his room*

Stormie:I wonder what's up with him? *speaking to Mark*

Mark:Idk why don't you go find out

Stormie:Well why must i go find out?

Mark:Well your his mother

Stormie:And your his father

Mark:Your the one who gave birth to him

Stormie:Your the one who had sex with me

Mark:Well your the one who um um

Stormie:*rolls eyes and goes up to Ross's room*

Ross:*falls back on his bed and the bra falls out of his bag but he doesn't know*

Stormie:*knocks on his door and comes in* Hey there Ross

Ross:*looks up and watches his mom and falls back on his bed*

Stormie:What's got you down?

Ross:*sighs* Mom i made a huge mistake and i really regret it

Stormie:*sees his bag and a bra hanging out of it* YOU HAD SEX!?!?!

Ross:*flies off the bed* What!!!!! where did you get that from?

Stormie:Ross what's this doing in your bag?!?!

Ross:Mom i can explain

Stormie:Well im listening

Ross:*sighs and sits back down* It's gonna take a while *starts explaining the story 2 her*


Mark:*downstairs* Man my boy is all grown up he lost his virginity *sighs* Man im old

Ross:*finishes explaining the story*

Stormie:Ross why would you bully such a young girl i didn't even know you bullied

Ross:*sighs* I know and im so sorry i don't know what i was thinking but i changed

Stormie:So r u falling for her or something?

Ross:What!!! pft no way , you know you come up with the most weirdest things , anyways if that's all im gotta start my homework


Ross:Yep mom homework *pushing her outta the room and closes the door and falls on his bed* Im not falling for her pftttt weird i don't know why she said that *thinks about Laura and feels tingly inside* ................................Maybe i am falling for ...........NAH!!!!! My mom is just delusional *starts thinking again*

~With Laura~

Laura:*laying on her bed thinking*

Ellen:*comes in her room* Hey Laura how u feeling?

Laura:*fakes smiles* Better

Ellen:Better enough to make it too school tomorrow?

Laura:Um sure?

Ellen:Well you don't sound sure

Laura:Im sure

Ellen:Ok *leaves*

Laura:*stops fake smiling* *starts thinking again* Ok i can't stay home for the rest of my life i gotta face this and go out to school because i need to get my education *sighs* Brace yourself Laura tomorrow is gonna be rough

~Next Day In School~

Ross:*walks in school and goes up to his locker to put some books in and goes under his tree*

Laura:*slowly approaches the school*

Ross:*sees her and stands up*

Some Girls:*snapping pics of her* Oooooooooo Look whose back! *laughing*

Laura:*walks faster*Leave me alone

Ross:*sighs* *thinks* Should i go help her?*

Maia:*brings the whole school outside* Hey Laura! You have got some nerve coming to school again

Laura:*thinks* Don't cry don't cry

Maia:Im gonna hurt in ways you never thought possible *walks up to her*

Ross:*grinds his teeth* That's it! *pushes Maia* Look here Maia you lay one finger on Laura again and trust me you'll regret it so just back off! *grabs Laura's hand* AND THAT GOES FOR EVERYBODY ELSE! *runs inside the school with Laura*

Laura:*stops and pulls away his hand from her's* Thank Ross for saving me ............again but i still don't forgive you ok *looks to walk away*

Ross:*pulls her back* Look Laura i said i was sorry i just don't know how to explain it but i made a huge mistake and i regret it

Laura:*sighs and looks to walk away again*

Ross:*holds her hand*

Laura:*gets tingly inside* What Ross

Ross:I have something for you

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