telling my parents

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Lana's pov:
That was one hella long photoshoot i just wanna come home to a nice hot chocolate. I walk into my house well my mum's house really i still live with my parents and siblings but i did buy the house for them i could hear unfamiliar voices i knew there were guest's over i walked past the dining room trying to avoid meeting their eyes but my mum called me over "lana come here for a minute" "yeah" i say walking over to the expensive marble dining table. I could see a guy around my age siting at the table who two older people probaly his parents and i knew exactly what was happening my parents would never force me into a marrige or anything like that i guess their just trying to help me out but i'm only 19 and i already have a guy on my mind..zayn.

marrige or anything like that is'nt something we talk about in our family the topic in front of my parents is quite embarassing.
Back home in lebanon all my cousins are married.

"So your name is lana?" The guys mother i think said shaking my hand "err..yes" i replied "my son's name is mahrus" she said with a wierd accent that changed from before "so.." her son 'mahrus' or something started speaking who in their right mind would want to marry this guy seriously? His hair was long and greasy he was wearing a terrible outfit, a shirt with stains on he he did'nt even try.

"what are your hobbies?" He stupidly asked "i don't really have hobbies i like to sleep and eat really, what about you?" I answered him back trying to put him off so he could go away.
He asked me a few more questions which i answered back with lies. Then he asked me the question i dreaded most money. "So how much do you earn a year" the dumbfuck decided to ask me "around 30 thousand"i replied which was a complete lie. "What don't you earn more that" he asked shocked "why do you have a problem WITH THAT?" I asked rudely "nn..nno i just though that.." he started to say i know he was only after the money "thought WHAT" i loudly snapped back making everyone's eyes widen in shock "do you earn more than that" i cleverly asked "well no but.." he murmured "you just wanted the money right?"

As he got up to leave i told him "acctually i earn around 100million a year" "oh i see your trick"he said "haha and i see your's."

After 2 more weeks i met 14 different guys in the same way and got fed up. I need to tell my mum about zayn.

Zayn's pov:
Beeep, be...
"Hey laaann" "hey babe"she repiled "you know at the awards night tommorow trishh is coming right?" She asked me,

i liked that she was so close to mine and her family she was good friends with waliyha before she knew me, my mum (trisha/ trish) loves her to bits she talks to my dad when she comes over, i'm a family person so if someone does'nt treat their own family right how will they treat our's, but lana definately does she brought her mum and dad a house worth more than 50 million, she makes sure there always comfortable and makes sure they don't pay for anything, she speaks to them at least twice a day, her parents know me and are really sweet but they never thought we were together.
"Yeah mum is coming is yours" i asked her back curious why she's asking me this. "Yeah she is, because your telling trish today and its not embarassing for you..." she started saying
" want me to tell my mum to speak to your's about us getting engaged? Sure" i said finishing off her sentence "no,no i was gonna suggest something else but okay thank you so, so, so, so much" she said i knew thats what she wanted but i was happy i could help her out i don't find it embarassing talking to my mum about i need to tell her now.

"Mum can i ask you something" "sure what is it hun" she said turning around "you know ermm...lana" i whispered "darling you have to say that again i have no idea what your saying" she said

"you know lana b..been going out for just over three years and i think we want to get engaged" i told her truthfully. "LANA!?" she said shocked with an unreadable expression on her face "lana is so lovely, why did'nt you tell me this 3 years ago, and how does the media not know about this they said she's going out with harry" i was so relieved to hear my mum say lana is lovely she was really happy about this. "Mum" i said shaking my head laughing "you can't belive the media they just make rumors, and i have no idea how we kept it this long" "so you want to get engaged then" she asked again "y...yeah, just one thing. Lana finds it embarassing telling her mum so..." "hannah?"she asked "yeah, so could you tell her at the awards night"i kindly asked "sure, i'll tell your dad about this he'll be happy" she said kissing my forehead.

lana foxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें