fake friends

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Lana's pov:
Urghh another long ass boring day at school i get out of bed shower, blowdry my hair and quickly straighten it, dash on some winged liner and lipstick, get changed, eat breakfast then i'm off

All the way walking to school i could'nt help but think how i was going to tell mia, kara and eva that i'm moving all the way to london, they would be devastated. I think i'll tell them at the end of the day to stop them worrying

"Heyy lanaaa cant belive your going out with zayn"patrica said walking towards me wtfff how does she no i told kara them lot not to fucking tell anyone "errr....what do you meen" i replied "oh ermm mia told us lot dont worry we wont tell anyone. Us "lot" she told other people.
MIA that fucking prick i quickly walked past patrica, patrica is in our friendship group but i did'nt trust her enough to tell her, mia told other people as well, how much fucking infomation did she tell them? I'm gonna kill that sly bitch.

As i was walking into class joshua said "zayn licked lana's nipple, zayn licked lana's nipple,zayn lick lan..." my whole class joined in my eyes stung and there was a lump in my throat i went up to mia "why the fuck did you tell them you promised"i whispered to her "i was walking with amy and i had ran out of things to say"what a fucking dumb excuse i can't even be bothered with her i thought she was different my eyes brimmed with tears i could'nt hold them back any longer i walked out of the class expecting kara or eva to call after me but they did'nt no one did.

I ran to the toilets and locked myself inside a cubicle i missed drama and media i went to the office said i was ill and went home.

I was so gratefull i was going to london 5 hours away from all this shit back here i won't tell anyone i'm leaving so they get worried and think i killed myself or something for the rest of the week i bunked off school until sunday the day we had to leave. I called zayn and told him he was happy now that i was even closer to him he was the only person i could trust right now.

lana foxWhere stories live. Discover now