revealing the truth..

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Mia's pov:
Omfggg, omggg, omgg zayn malik just put his arms around my shoulders and told me they'll explain everying. I must be dreaming. Mascara running down my face, eyes red, cheeks red i feel like a creep but i could'nt care less zayn just touched me and harry said hi to me. Wow, wow,wow and lana i dont even know what to say i just cant take it all in.

Lana's pov:
Wow! Finally that felt like two heavy boulders were lifted off my shoulders. I feel somewhat relived and proud of my self for telling them all of this. I spent the rest of the evening watching my 3 nutter friends fall in love with zayn, harry and kendall. They didnt want to go home but my parents would be home soon. After a long and exausting 6hours mia,kara and eva finally left.

I have to admit i have a major crush on zayn i dont usually speak go him much so i guess he's not interested.

Kendall's pov:
Lana's friends were cute but i think they got a bit too overexited the amount of selfies they took. WOW i think there phones will blow up. Hey thanks for helping me with the fashion line lana "thank youuu for helping me for 6 exausting hours"we both laughed. Until zayn interupts to ask lana a question."erm..its going to be my 22nd birthday on saturaday were having a small party you wanna come?" Yea sure she said nervously.

Lana's pov:
Yaayyy i'm so happy i am beaming Zayn invited me? Out of all people to his "small" birthday party i gotta admit i feel really special. Wait SATURDAY thats tommorow ,i better get some sleep.

Omgg urghh i have to wake up with a throbbing headache and its so late its already 2:50 half my day gone. I need to get ready for zayns party soon.
After i had lunch and dinner together like a pig i ran up to my room while thinking of an excuse to tell my parents. Hey see u later babe xx Omgg zayn just text me and he called me babe woah i never saw this coming..not in a million years. Its almost 6 and i havent even decided what to wear yet.
I finally decide to wear a short tight black dress, maybe its too revealing i'll just wear a kimono over it i grab my navy blue and black lace kimono. I put on my black heels winged liner i curl my hair letting it fall past my sholders,grab a few bracelets and i'm off.
Oh wait nearly forgot, ughh i grab a hideous green oversized parker and put it over me so my mum cant see what i'm wearing. As i walk into the kitchen i try to keep my head down i'm just going to mia's call u later mum bye.

lana foxNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ