chapter 15.

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Lana's pov:
What the fuck. I'm naked lying next to zayn wtff... zayn's half covered reveailing his fit body he was fast asleep i pleaded to know but i did'nt want to disturb him what happened last night? Why are we naked? I honestly don't remember anything from last night i just remember telling selena and zayn picking me up i have no clue how i ended here.

As i turn around to get my clothes i see blood on the bed sheets. Fuck my eyes widen in horror there's only one expalnation we had sex. I wasnt on my period till next month and we were both naked i had lost my virginity to zayn malik i cried to myself both happy because who would'nt want to have sex with zayn malik but horrified because what if i became pregnant before marrige my parents would kill me would i even be able to cope "zaynn, zaynn" i shook him violently disturbing his peaceful sleep "did we have sex" i cried in horror "yeah babe don't you remember" he said cheekily looking at my bare breasts.

" is going on why don't i remember" i asked in a shaky voice "lana i sort of have confession" he said nervously panic rushed through me shit what did he do.
"Yestarday when we came back to the hotel you asked for a drink and we had run out i poured you a bit... well a lot of alcohol i thought i would'nt do you any harm and you drunk it all you kept asking for more and then we sort of both had sex i guess" his eyes brimmed with tears "i'm s..ssorry lana" i leaned forward and pulled him into a long hard satisfying kiss "if i'm pregnant i will kill you" i said laughing as i pulled away. "We'll buy some tests, lana your going to be 19 tommorow and i think we should think about getting engaged" he said "yee..eah" i can not belive this is happening "oh, and lana there's one more thing you might want to know. Yestarday while we were having sex harry and liam walked in on us" he said turning slightly red "fuck what were we doing?" I asked feeling even more worse " were sucking my dick" he said breaking into laughter

"Hey lana" louis said walking into the kitchen harry ignored me as he walked in. "Harry do you want a toast as well?"i asked him
He completly ignored now i totally regret asking him "wats up with him" louis said out loud. I just shruged. as he walked in. "Harry do you want a toast as well?"i asked him
He completly ignored my question now i totally regret asking him "wats up with him" louis said out loud. I just shruged.

Louis pov:
I know harry's jelous about lana and zayn liam told me what all that moaning was and that him and harry walked in on zayn and lana having sex . It was so obvious harry had a major crush on lana but why the hell is he ignoring her god knows.

Once lana leave's we all leave the hotel to go to kim's house all the way in calabasas, urggh i hate going on planes but its gotta be done all the major celebrities would meet and plan lana's birthday for tommorow.

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