[20] Revenge is sweet

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He remembered the wind most of all, warm and dry and spiced with desiccated leaves, turning around in the breeze with a crackling, papery sound. A few beats of its wings, and it appeared. It was about time too.

"Where have you been?" A voice hissed in the darkness of the cave, sheltering the eerie figures from being seen.

"Away," he replied. He was swaying her tail menacingly, ready for a fight.

"Why?" The voice spat harshly. You could not see them, but it's eyes glowed mad with temper. The other stayed silent.

"I'm the second-in-command. I do whatever I like," he finally replied. An ominous growling started in the other's throat.

"I'm your mother!" The other howled furiously.

"We'll see about that." And with that said, a horrible scream pierced the silent cave and even drove nearby hawks away. With blood stained on his talons, he stood on the edge of the cave.

"And I'm Voidchaser," he muttered angrily, flapping into the moonlight.


"Euphemia! Sunny is here to see you!" Tsunami called. The dragonet we had first seen had grown up to be a majestic creature, with beautiful amber scales that glittered in the sunlight.

"I'm coming," she replied, her voice as smooth as silk. She weaved her way through the tall forest trees and found the blue SeaWing waiting for her. "Sunny is here," Tsunami repeated.

Sunny's face was plastered with an anxious look. "Where's Starflight?" She asked, her voice trembling.

"I-I don't know..." Euphemia let her sentence trail off as she took in what Sunny had just said. "I saw him two days ago eating fruit with Glory."

"She said that too!" The SandWing wailed, slouching in defeat. "He was with me yesterday, picking fruit for Glory."

"Oh great," Euphemia thought, holding back from rolling her eyes. "He couldn't stand it anymore."

"Hmm, maybe ask more RainWings?" The amber dragon suggested, trying to buy some time to talk to Starflight. Sunny's expression stayed solid, but it was her last resort.

"Okay." And with that, the yellow dragon took off.

"Starflight..." Euphemia thought. "Sunny's looking for you."

"I-I can't stand not being around her! It's too much, Euphemia! The pressures going too hard on me!"

"Well maybe you're going too hard on yourself," she suggested, not unreasonably. She heard a long sigh.

"I- You're right. But, I can't accept if she says no," he stated, and Euphemia knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Well, at least try," she prodded.

"Remember what happened in my vision!" This was more of an exclamation than a question. "I don't want that to happen!"

" You're being selfish, Starflight. You're only thinking about what will happen to you and how you will feel. What about me? About Sunny? Don't you ever think about how we would feel if you never come back? She's frantic about finding you! " Starflight remained silent for a short moment.

"T-that's not true," he stumbled for his words, shocked by what Euphemia had just pointed out. "She's only doing that because I'm her friend. She'd do that about Tsunami, Glory or Clay! Even you! I'm no different than the rest. What if come back? Nothing would change."

"Sunny would be happy! Don't you want her to be happy?" She let her voice plead. Starflight did not reply. In fact, he might have never replied at all, if not for Sunny's sudden appearance.

"Euphemia!" She shouted. "Any luck?"

"No," Euphemia lied sadly. "He must've flew off."

"Oh, what am I going to do?" Sunny cried miserably.

"Look!" Euphemia thought to Starflight. "See what you've caused?"

"I'm going to get my revenge," the NightWing growled. "Euphemia, meet Voidchaser."

Once in Three MoonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora