[15] Visions and Telepathy

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Starflight looked skeptically at Euphemia. She didn't really look like the secret-keeping type, but then again, she couldn't tell anyone. At least, this is what Starflight hoped. He waited til their surroundings was eerily quiet, then started to tell her his vision.

"It was a pleasant day, and I was in the library stacking scrolls. Sunny and a SandWing came in, and I smiled at her.
'Hi,' I had said to Sunny. She scoffed and looked away, like she hated me or something. 'What's wrong?' I prodded her again. This time, she looked at me with angry eyes and the male SandWing came up to me. Without a word, he brought up his tail with the poisonous barb and stung my eyes, and the pain it gave me was like my eyes being ripped out and being replaced by the moons, but it didn't amount to the hurt I felt when Sunny ignored me.
Plus, it was a vision. Which means Sunny is going to hate me. So... I guess I have to stay away from her to not be hurt as much when she does." He sighed sadly as Euphemia padded near his feet. He slumped down and slunk onto a fallen tree, a depression radiating through his body.

Euphemia looked up at Starflight with eyes that looked as if they'd want to assure him that it was alright, and just a vision. But a vision of the future, and it would come true. Just as Starflight wanted to go back to the village, he heard a small rustle of the leaves. With a shrug, he ignored it.

Euphemia stared at Starflight intently, as if she was trying to send a mind message or something. Well, that's too bad, Starflight thought, because I can't read minds. However, at that moment, he felt something in his head and he winced a little.

It felt as if a little robot was entering his brain and inserting something that could allow him to read minds, because he felt a new feeling wash over him, and he blinked, suddenly feeling different from himself just five seconds ago.

Alright, so this time, Starflight looked at Euphemia as she was to him. A new voice entered his mind slowly, like a little bud of flower slowly blooming. It began to become louder, and ten seconds later, it reached its full potential.

"Hello?" The voice tried to communicate with Starflight again. "Hello?"

Yes? He thought.

"Oh hi! This is Euphemia. I'm here to tell you what I am and where I'm from!" The voice sounded cheerful and nothing at all like Euphemia, but, for the record, he had never heard her speak.

"Oh yes, you must be wondering how this is. Well, I'll tell you my story. Basically, my jealous sister, Raven, blew me from a canon away from home. I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling that she was not happy with her life and wanted to take her anger out on me.
I know you must be thinking how this is, so I'll tell you. I'm a SpaceWing-" Euphemia broke the ice and Starflight was brimmed with questions. But a main one - What's a SpaceWing?

"Let me finish," she said firmly. "SpaceWings can see through their egg in the week that they are going to hatch. So I saw and heard everything, from my sister lying to a guard to my egg floating in Space and consequently crash on a sandy place. Then Sunny found me and brought me back to her cave house. He lives with this dragon called Whisper. But he did kinda just barge in, and she let him stay." Euphemia smiled up at Starflight, and he gave her a soft look.

What are SpaceWings? He asked through telepathy. Well, that or the fact that he knew she could hear his thoughts, and him able to hear hers.

"They're special dragons who live in Space. Well, that's all I know about them. They don't breathe air."

Wow, Starflight thought. He suddenly had a smug but mischievous thought. Can I read other dragon's minds?

"I don't see why not," was her reply.

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