Chapter One ~ Bad Beginnings

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I woke up with a loud yawn. I got out of bed slowly, feeling very drowzy. "Uhhnhnnnnhhh," I moaned. My brother wasn't in bed. I went to the kitchen to look for him. He wasn't there either. Where could he have gone, I thought to myself. I went to go look outside. There he was, working on his car. It was an old Mustang
Fastback 2+2. If you ask me, it's really nice car. I went back inside to help myself to a bowl of Krave, the best cereal on earth. Suddenly, I heard this bloodcurdling scream. I spit the cereal out of my mouth. I ran outside to my brother. "What. Was. That." I stuttered. "I-I don't kno-know.." He said, the fear in his voice clearly showing. We went out and look down the street in the direction of the scream. There was an indigo colored humanoid form in the middle of the street. It had razor sharp, slender claws extending from its knuckles. They were teal, but they had drips of blood on them. "Go get the gun." My brother said. "Go get it. Run!" I came back out with a Glock 30. I handed it to him. He held me close to his chest. "Cover your ears," he said. I did so. I could still hear the gunshots through my plugged ears. I suddenly heard my brother tell me,"Get in the car. We're leaving." I ran to his car. He took out the jack as fast as he could. He then jumped in and started the car. We pulled out fast, and drove off even faster. I didn't look back at all. We drove all the way to the city gates. There weren't any guards there. And the gates were shut. Shut completely. There was no way out. There was nowhere to run.

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