Twenty-Eight|| I Love You

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"I promised myself I would never fall in love with you. But it was 4am, and we were laughing way too hard, and I felt happy for the first time in a long time, and I knew I was screwed."

Twenty-Eight|| I Like You

"It's been a week, you can't do anything so just get over it," Will stated dryly as he scrolled through his phone carelessly.

I sighed and tapped my fingers on my cup of coffee. I couldn't believe I was stuck at Starbucks with a blonde talking about my nonexistent relationship.

"How kind of you to say, William," I muttered bitterly.

Groaning, Will put his phone down and stared at me accusingly. "I'm sorry. I just don't like Parker. I decided to help Finn one time to get you guys together and looked what that lead to."

"Whoa, what did you say?"

Will froze as if he had just said something he wasn't supposed to- which had obviously been the case. "What? I didn't say anything. Penguins are nice. Did you do something with your hair? No, it's not that. Hey, did you see that special on MTV? It was pretty good."

"You know Finn?" I gasped, ignoring the random questions he'd thrown my way. No offense to Will but Finn was a boy who took pride in beating the living crap out of freshmen and Will was. . . Well, he was Will. I could never see them having a casual conversation.

He rolled his eyes and slumped in his seat. "I only helped him that one time when I gave you Miri's clothes. I do not know what kind of shit goes through that guy's head but he really needs a hobby if he's dead set on getting you two together- or was dead set."

"I just feel extremely guilty about it and I don't even know what Jenna told Parker!" I exclaimed and ran my hand through my brown hair- needless to say, my fingers got stuck in my hair.

Just what I needed.

"There are some crazy rumors going around. I heard Toby say that he heard from Jessica that you had threatened to kill Parker's family if he didn't elope with you," Will chuckled as I tugged on my fingers.

I snorted and rolled my eyes at him. "How do you even have the energy to keep up with gossip?"

Will furrowed his brow and frowned. "Don't look at me like that, there's some pretty interesting shit circling the halls-" He suddenly stopped talking as he gazed at something behind me with wide eyes.

I stared at Will and frowned. "What?"

His eyes quickly snapped back to me and he laughed nervously. "Oh, you know us boys, just spacing out. We're stupid." I could feel the corners of my lips quirk up as I raised my eyebrows at Will.

"You're stupid?" I inquired. Will nodded and looked over my shoulder again. "Yes, which is why I think it was a stupid idea to come here. After all, I came up with it, and I am a boy."

I rolled my eyes. "I get it, you're stupid- What are you looking at?" I turned around before Will could stop me and instantly regret it.

Parker was leaning carelessly on the counter as Sam spoke angrily at the barista behind the counter. His dark brown hair was a mess and there were dark bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept all night.

"Hey, here's a non-stupid idea. Let's get out of here," Will mumbled.

Parker suddenly turned around and glared at Will and me. He whispered into Sam's ear, causing her to stop terrorizing the poor barista and turning towards us.

Her red lips turned into a snarl and she slid her index finger over her throat.

We'll that was comforting.

"Here's another brilliant idea. Let's get out of here before Sam Tyson beats the shit out of us."

I nodded quickly and picked up my cup. Will did the same and stood up before dragging me with him. Just as we were about to exit Starbucks, I held onto Will's arm and pulled him down to my level. "Distract her," I whispered.

His blue eyes widened and he looked at Sam. "You want me to distract the Devil's spawn? Do you want me to die?" He muttered angrily.

"Yeah," I said and pushed him towards Sam. He tripped and held onto Sam for support, spilling his coffee on her in the process.

Rest in peace, William.

I rushed towards Parker and grasped his hand before pulling him into the alleyway beside the shop.

"What do you want?" He snarled and tugged his hand away from mine. I bit my lip and looked at my shoes. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" He said bitterly, "All I've been thinking about for the past week is you and what you did. I haven't slept properly for who know's how long because I can't get you out my my head. But it's okay because you're sorry."

I didn't look up. I couldn't. "I- Yes, I'm sorry. Why are you making such a big deal out of this?"

He scoffed and took a few steps back. "You just don't get it," he started.

"Then help me understand!" I exclaimed. I finally looked up. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were narrowed.

"I love you!" He yelled back. "I love you, I love the sound you make when you laugh. I love how your nose scrunches up when you think. I love how you worry for the simplest things. I love you and I hate myself for that."

My jaw was practically touching the floor when he finished. I wanted to say that I felt the same, I wanted to tell him that whatever Jenna said was all a lie but I couldn't get the words past my lips.

"But it looks like my feelings are one sided. Do us both a favor and don't speak to me, don't speak to Sam, Finn, Jack, or even to Jenna. Just pretend you don't even know me." He gave me one last glare before walking out of there.

I walked out of the alley and stepped back into Starbucks. I smiled sadly at Will who was sitting in a booth.

"How did it go?" I asked as I sat beside him.

"I got bitch slapped," he sighed and rubbed his cheek, "How did you do?"

"My heart shattered into a million pieces."

Author's Note

I don't really have much to say this time.

A beautiful gif of Will (played by the beautiful Luke Hemmings) is on top and there's also a tacky pop song to go along with the chapter.

If you read this note comment: "Punk you, floatsus."

Stay awesome!

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