Chapter 1.1

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Fired and kicked out of my house, all in just one day. Being homeless in downtown Detroit was dangerous, so I had to find a place to sleep.

I walked along the cheap houses, barking Pittbulls, old damaged cars and graffity paintings. As usual, I heard the loud sirenes of police cars, rap music and shouting. I was scared, but I had to hade it, or else it would only make things worse. I walked the streets like I was very confident. Luckily I managed to bring my gun, it made me feel more save, eventhough I wasn't.

I heard a girl yelling at someone. She was obviously angry. When I came closer, I saw she was yelling at a police man. A police man that I knew.

'It's okay, she´s with me,' i said, looking at te police man. Ofcourse it was a lie. I didn't even knew this girl, but I knew that this could be in my own favor. The police man recognized me immediately and he walked away. Apparently, I left an unforgetable impression. I smiled a bit, but I didn't really seemed too happy.

'Thanks,' she said without any expression in her face. She had a cut in her cheek. The short top she was wearing didn't cover her stomach, so you could easily see the abs and belly button she had. She also wore blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. Her hair was dark an long and she had a dark, pure skin. I believed this girl was in trouble, I didn't know why I thought it, but I just did. Behind her dark eyes I could see fear.

'Your welcome,' I mumbled. This was not the kind of neighborhood where you could show people what ever you were feeling. You couldn't trust people very much here and especially not a stranger. If someone helps you, it's just to get something out of it. 

'What do you want in return?' the girl asked me.

'I could use a place to sleep for tonight.' The girl took a look of me for a couple seconds.

'Follow me,' she commanded and she started walking. I followed her as she told me to. 

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