The River Below: Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Click on the music above for this chapter! Oh and make sure to turn the volume up, its quite!

Natsus point of view

I yell to Lucy that there is a cliff behind her but she doesn't hear us. I guess it looked like a normal trail from far away because the ground flattened out up ahead. She turns around and I start to panick. Happy doesn't have enough magic power to fly yet so he can't get Lucy. She tries to get her balance and she flails her arms out uncontrollably. Out of no were I see a man flash behind her and push her off the cliff. He then disappeared into thin air and I see Lucy drop down into the dark chasm.

I scream for her name and I hear her scream for mine. I'm still a little far from her and I run as fast as I can. Her screaming dissapears into the deep dark walls of the chasm, and I start to tear up. I have to get to her, I can't let her die! Whoever that man was,

I am going to kill him.

I scream for her name, knowing that she won't be able to hear me and I won't be able to hear her.

I run faster and faster and finally get to the edge of the cliff and I dive.I can only see a small figure below and I fold my arms onto my sides so I could go faster. "Fire Dragons Claw!" I yell. I use the flames from my feet to go faster, and I get a little bit closer but still could barely see her.

I start to cry as I realize that I am not going to make it to her in time.

I see her disappear into the deep and dark water of the chasm.

"No! "

I cry even harder and think about the man that pushed Lucy off the cliff. She almost caught her balance, but then he just... Pushed her! Could he be the spell wizard from the village. And if so what did he have against Lucy?!

I jump onto the side of the chasm wall and slide down with my hand. As soon as I reach the bottom I dive into the water and realize how deep this river really is.

I look all over for lucy and I can't find her anywear. "Lucy!!!" I scream under water hoping she'll hear me.

There is no movement or voice back. I swim down deeper and look for any movement, but there is nothing, nothing at all.I start to panick and swim even deeper. "Lucy!!!" Nothing. "Lucy!!!!" Nothing again. I look everywear and I see a small hint of yellow. I rush towards it and it was Lucy. But she wasn't moving.

I have to get her up to the surface and fast! I swim up to her and grab her by the waist. I pull her to my side and push off a rock from the bottom of the river and launch up. I look over to Lucy and see that she has a lifeless expression on her face.If she is dead then...then I don't know what I will do.

I blast out of the chasms river and onto a rock nearby. I set her down and I slam my palm into her chest but nothing happens.I do it again and again and she's not getting the water out from her lungs. "Lucy come on!!! Lucy stay with me! Wake up Luce!" I scream while crying. I slam my palm into her chest for five minutes straight. one last time and there is no result.I get up and step away from were she laid.

I walk over to the chasm wall and I slam my fist into it. I cry and slam my fist into the wall over and over again angry with myself.

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